
gdb\bfd: get child variable address or size or offset

Hi, I'm using gdb and libbfd to retrieve global variables information from an elf file and show it. I can get the following data from libbfd: Global Variable name, address and size. I retrieve the type of the variables and its children using gdb and gdb\MI (ptype, whatis, -var-create & -var-list-children). How can I get the address\siz...

linking a gas assembly file as a c program without using gcc

Hey, as an exercise to learn more precisely how c programs work and what minimum level of content must exist for a program to be able to use libc, ive taken it upon myself to attempt to program primarily in x86 assembly using gas and ld. As a fun little challenge, I've successfully assembled and linked several programs linked to differen...

Weird MIPS assembler behavior with jump (and link) instruction.

So, we're studying MIPS architecture at school and we're implementing a MIPS32 architecture. I thought I'd use GNU cross-binutils as assembler but I'm getting weird output when dealing with instructions jal, j and jr. The assembler seems to insert the instructions at the wrong places. I have no idea why this happens, and I doubt the MIPS...

How do you extract only the contents of an ELF section.

I've tried the following, but the resulting file is still an ELF and not purely the section content. $ objcopy --only-section=<name> <infile> <outfile> I just want the contents of the section. Is there any utility that can do this? Any ideas? ...

Patching code/symbols into a dynamic-linked ELF binary

Suppose I have an ELF binary that's dynamic linked, and I want to override/redirect certain library calls. I know I can do this with LD_PRELOAD, but I want a solution that's permanent in the binary, independent of the environment, and that works for setuid/setgid binaries, none of which LD_PRELOAD can achieve. What I'd like to do is add...