
Detecting Blocked Threads

I have a theory regarding trouble shooting a Asynchronous Application (I'm using the CCR) and I wonder if someone can confirm my logic. If a CCR based multi-threaded application using the default number of threads (i.e. one per core) is slower than the same application with double the threads specified - does this means that threads are...

Delphi - Terminate blocked thread

Possible Duplicate: How to stop long executing threads gracefully? Hello. I have a background thread which needs to perform an operation, it works fine all of the time except in one case : when the resource is corrupted. When that happens the thread gets Blocked in the Load (to that resource) calls in the Execute method. When ...

Java ThreadPoolExecutor getting stuck while using ArrayBlockingQueue

Hi, I'm working on some application and using ThreadPoolExecutor for handling various tasks. ThreadPoolExecutor is getting stuck after some duration. To simulate this in a simpler environment, I've written a simple code where I'm able to simulate the issue. import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Rej...

why is my PipedOutputStream deadlocking?

I am trying to implement a threaded circular buffer with PipedInputStream & PipedOutputStream but it is locking everytime when I get to mHead.write in the Decoder runnable. I thought there was no chance for deadlocks when using separate threads. private class DecoderTask implements Runnable{ @Override public void run() { ...