
I cant really wrap my head around BOOLEAN logic when I use NOT together with AND and OR

Im trying to understand how boolean logic works when I use NOT. To give an example using awk I have a text file containing CORE PORT CORE PORT COREPORT CORE COREPORT And I would like to remove all COREPORT lines. The way I thought I would do it was with (NOT CORE) AND (NOT PORT) eg awk '/!CORE/&&/!PORT/{print}' But when I try it...

MYSQL question - AND or OR?

Which is a better way to select ans and quest from the table? SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE option='ans' OR option='quest'"; OR SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE option='ans' AND option='quest'"; Thanks so much! ...

How do I parse boolean logic?

I need to write a boolean logic parser which will translate the boolean logic language to a SQL WHERE clause. The order of the operands will always be in the correct order (with value on the right). Here is a relatively simple example. There could be nested parentheses and the use of NOT operators, etc. (CACOUNT=01 OR CACOUNT=02 OR CA...

In-memory data structure that supports boolean querying

I need to store data in memory where I map one or more key strings to an object, as follows: "green", "blue" -> object1 "red", "yellow" -> object2 So, in Java the datastructure might implement: Map<Set<String>, V> I need to be able to efficiently receive a list of objects, where the strings match some boolean criteria, such as: ("...

Database model for saving random boolean expressions

I have expressions like this: (cat OR cats OR kitten OR kitty) AND (dog OR dogs) NOT (pigeon OR firefly) Anyone having idea how to make tables to save those? Before I got request for usage of brackets, I limited usage of operators to avoid ambiguous situations. So only ANDs and NOTs or only ORs and saved those in this manner: operat...

Logic Circuits & Shift Registers?

Hey all, Could anyone point me to a logical diagram of, or show me how to create, a Parrallel In/Serial Out shift register that uses J-K Flip flops? I've found diagrams that use D types, but no J-K's. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. ...

How to work with this turing machine?

This is a screenshot of the applet LogiCell 1.0, link to which I found here. As the bottom left corner shows, this is doing sum 0+1 and the result is 01b (bottom right hand side). I am not able to link what is displayed to what the inputs ans outputs are. For example in this case - seeing the snapshot, how do you determine that the i...

Solr - query regarding Boolean logic

Hi all I have a Solr index with a year field, I can query all results within a range of years using the following query which works fine *:* AND year:[1934 TO 1950] How would I incorporate the AND operator so I can search for results in a number of selected years, eg. results for year 1930 AND year 1950 only. I tried something like: ...

Can I simplify this conditional statement, which uses the logical negation operator?

Sorry if this is a "Logical Operators 101" kind of question. I've been staring at my screen for 15 minutes trying to wrap my head around it, but I'm stuck. Is there a more concise/elegant way to phrase the following (this is JavaScript syntax, but it's not a language-dependent question): if (!something && !something_else) { // do som...

Lua error did not pass boolean

This works... if ( tileType == "water" or ( otherObj and otherObj:GetType() == "IceBlock" )) then self:SetNoClip( true ) else self:SetNoClip( false ) end - These don't... self:SetNoClip( tileType == "water" or ( otherObj and otherObj:GetType() == "IceBlock" )) //---------------------------------------------------------- l...

Check if element exists causing script error in browser

I'm trying to attach the Qtip plugin to elements only if the elements containing certain text exists on the page. For some reason I keep getting a script error saying "AddTooltips() is not a function." on a page where the elements do not exist. Something isn't quite working with my if statement. $(document).ready(function() { function...

How to determine if two boolean expressions are the same

I need to determine if two different boolean expressions are the same. For example example, S1 = a b, S2 = (a b) b; these two are in fact the same. So I need to detect if they are the same. I am using C#. ...

PHP function to validate array

Is there a function which I could give an array, which would return true if the provided function returned true for all of them? theFunction(array(1,2,3) , 'is_numeric') //true theFunction(array(1,"b",3) , 'is_numeric') //false ...

How should boolean expressions be written in PHP?

How should the following boolean expression be written in PHP: $foo = ""; if($var==TRUE){ $foo = "bar"; } or if($var==TRUE){ $foo = "bar"; }else{ $foo = ""; } or $foo = ($var==TRUE) ? "bar": ""; ...

C# How do I check if one of two values is TRUE?

Hi all, Should be a simple question for the C# experts here. I basically want to check if one value or another is TRUE, a wild stab at the code is below: if ((Boolean.Parse(staff.getValue("Male")) | Boolean.Parse(staff.getValue("Female"))) { // is true } Is this correct? Thanks ...

xor n sets of variables for use in SAT transformation

Hey you guys, I am doing a transformation from a customoized set cover problem to a sat, so i can mayhaps use a sat solver for my problem. My problem is, that i have several sets of variables that interact together in a term of the sat problem. something along the lines of x_i v x_j v x_k; y_i v y_j v y_k . However what i cant seem to ge...

why are Javascript negative numbers not always true or false?

-1 == true; //false -1 == false //false -1 ? true : false; //true Can anyone explain the above output? I know I could work round this by comparing to 0 but I'm interested. I'd expect at least one of the sloppy equals statements to be true as they do implicit type conversion, and I certainly didn't expect the ternary to co...

Avoiding the coding trap of using || to check for different conditions

Usually when I want to check if one condition OR another condition is true, I would write code as follows: if (i == 5 || j == 3) { // Do whatever here. } Is there a neat/performant away to avoid the coding style trap of using the OR operator to check for different conditions? ...

c# Can someone explain this boolean logic

// Example bool is true bool t = true; // Convert bool to int int i = t ? 1 : 0; Console.WriteLine(i); // 1 This converts false to 0 and true to 1, can someone explain to me how the t ? 1 : 0 works? ...

Mixing addition and subtraction with logical NOT

I found some exercises where you combine n-bit 2's complement values in different ways and simplify the output where possible. (Their practice exercises use 16-bit, but that's irrelevant). Eg: !(!x&!y) == x|y 0 & y, negate the output == -1 I'm having no problem applying De Morgan's laws with the examples using AND, OR, and NOT but I am...