
How could I change boost release variant to use cxxflags=-O2 ?

On my machine cxxflags for variant=release is -O3 by default. I need to change it to -O2. Please advise how to proceed. I am fine with defining a new variant as well, if someone could advise me on that. ...

Is it possible to install the debug and release variant of a library with same command ?

I am using the following Jamfile ( in directory /home/morpheus/base/CDef ) : lib CDef : [ glob *.cpp ] : static ; install libCDef : CDef : LIB "/home/morpheus/base_install/lib" : release ; install _libCDef_D : CDef : LIB "/home/morpheus/base_install/libdebug" : debug ; I was wondering if the two install lines can be...

Using to include a library

I am using to compile a c++ code which references a library, CGNS, but am having some difficulty with using to do so. CGNS compiles to a library, with a folder for the platform, for example [path]/LINUX for the linux build. I would like to include the library [path]/LINUX/libcgns.a in the build. I would like th...

String operations in Jamfiles

How can I make a Jamfile path-independent ? As in local headers = [ path.glob-tree /home/morpheus/base : *.hpp ] ; install headers : $(headers) : <location>/home/morpheus/base_install <install-source-root>$(TOP) ; project basetrade : requirements <include>/home/morpheus/base_install <variant>release:<cxxflags>-O...