
Example of how to use boost upgradeable mutexes

I have a multithreaded server application that needs mutex locks over some shared memory. The shared memory are basically sTL maps etc. Much of the time I'm just reading from the map. But, I also need to occasionally add to it. e.g. typedef std::map MessageMap; MessageMap msgmap; boost:shared_mutex access_; void ProcessMe...

How can I achieve something similar to a semaphore using boost in c++?

I noticed that boost does not seem to support semaphores. What's the easiest way to achieve a similar effect? ...

Accessing vector element of shared object using boost interprocess

Hi, I'm trying to understand how boost interprocess library works. I have an Equipment class which holds integer values in a vector container. In parent parent process; I constructed Equipment object in MySegmentObject segment, and in the constructor of this object I created the vector in MySegmentVector segment. Using child process;...