
traversing a directory

Is there any way to traverse the content of a directory? I would like to store the names of each folder in a given directory. Thanks! ...

Help with Boost Grammar

I have been using the following win32 console code to try to parse a B Machine Grammar embedded within C++ using Boost Spirit grammar template. I am a relatively new Boost user. The code compiles, but when I run the .exe file produced by VC++2008, the program partially parses the input file. I believe the problem is with my grammar defin...

Help with boost::lambda expression

I tried to write a function that calculates a hamming distance between two codewords using the boost lambda library. I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include <numeric> #include <boost/function.hpp> #include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp> #include <boost/lambda/if.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> #include <boost/array.hpp> templ...

Linker problem linking boost in Visual Studio 2008

Hi, I have a rather obscure linking problem in Visual Studio 2008. The linker error message is: "LNK1104: cannot open file 'boost_thread-vc90-mt-gd-1_38.lib'". All pathes and dependencies are set. What I noticed though is that Visual Studio misses boost_thread-vc90-mt-gd-1_38.lib and not libboost_thread-vc90-mt-gd-1_38.lib (notice the l...

Difference between boost::ref and regular references

What is the difference between boost::ref(i) and & i ? What are the situations where we cannot use regular references and have to go for boost::ref instead? Please include examples if possible. ...

boost::serialization of mutual pointers

First, please take a look at these code: class Key; class Door; class Key { public: int id; Door *pDoor; Key() : id(0), pDoor(NULL) {} private: friend class boost::serialization::access; template <typename A> void serialize(A &ar, const unsigned int ver) { ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(id) & BOOST...

Why boost::recursive_mutex is not working as expected?

I have a custom class that uses boost mutexes and locks like this (only relevant parts): template<class T> class FFTBuf { public: FFTBuf(); [...] void lock(); void unlock(); private: T *_dst; int _siglen; int _processed_sums; int _expected_sums; int _assign...

Linking with Boost error

I just downloaded and ran the boost installer for version 1.42 (from, and set up my project according to the getting started guide. However, when I build the program, I get this linker error: LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_program_options-vc90-mt-gd-1_42.lib' The build log adds this (I've replace...

Is there a way to increase the efficiency of shared_ptr by storing the reference count inside the controlled object?

Hello everyone :) This is becoming a common pattern in my code, for when I need to manage an object that needs to be noncopyable because either A. it is "heavy" or B. it is an operating system resource, such as a critical section: class Resource; class Implementation : public boost::noncopyable { friend class Resource; HANDLE ...

How to create a const boost matrix?

How can I create a const boost matrix? The following did not work: const boost::numeric::ublas::matrix<double> arrayM(1, 3) = { {1.0, 2.0, 3.0} }; ...

Serialization with Qt

I am programming a GUI with Qt. In my GUI I have a huge std::map. And "MyType" is a class that has different kinds of filds. So, in a word, I want to serialize the std::map. How can I do that? Does Qt provides us with neccesary features? ...

`enable_shared_from_this` has a non-virtual destructor

I have a pet project with which I experiment with new features of the upcoming C++0x standard. While I have experience with C, I'm fairly new to C++. To train myself into best practices, (besides reading a lot), I have enabled some strict compiler parameters (using GCC 4.4.1): -std=c++0x -Werror -Wall -Winline -Weffc++ -pedantic-errors ...

boost graph adjacency_list, retrieving a node's parents

I want to find in an adjacency graph from the bgl how give a Vertexdescriptor and get the set of nodes that are parents of this given node. i would like to do this in directed graph, it seems you could use a bidirectional graph but i want to be able to restrict it so that there are no cycles. ...

Boost.python building

Hi guys, really can't understand, how to build correctly project that uses boost.python. I've included boost_(python/thread/system)-mt. Here is simple module file: #include <boost/python.hpp> #include "script.hpp" #include "boost/python/detail/wrap_python.hpp" BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(temp) { namespace py = boost::python; py::def("...

How to use boost::crc?

I want to use boost::crc so that it works exactly like PHP's crc32() function. I tried reading the horrible documentation and many headaches later I haven't made any progress. Apparently I have to do something like: int GetCrc32(const string& my_string) { return crc_32 = boost::crc<bits, TruncPoly, InitRem, FinalXor, ...

Why aren't these shared_ptrs pointing to the same container?

I have a class Model: class Model { ... boost::shared_ptr<Deck> _deck; boost::shared_ptr<CardStack> _stack[22]; }; Deck inherits from CardStack. I tried to make _stack[0] point to the same thing that _deck points to by going: { _deck = boost::shared_ptr<Deck>(new Deck()); _stack[0] = _deck; } It seems that t...

What's the future of std::valarray look like?

Up until fairly recently I hadn't been keeping up with the C++0x deliberations. As I try to become more familiar with it and the issues being worked, I came across this site which seems to be advocating for deprecating or removing std::valarray since most people are using Blitz++ instead. I guess I'm probably one of the few people out ...

Exposing boost::scoped_ptr in boost::python

Hello, I am getting a compile error, saying that the copy constructor of the scoped_ptr is private with the following code snippet: class a {}; struct s { boost::scoped_ptr<a> p; }; BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE( module ) { class_<s>( "s" ); } This example works with a shared_ptr though. It would be nice, if anyone knows the answer. Thank...

Possible to have C++ anonymous functions with boost?

I'm trying to solve a problem that anonymous functions make much, much easier, and was wondering if this was possible in c++. What I would like to do is (essentially) template<typename T> T DoSomething(T one, function<T(T)> dosomething) { return one + dosomething(5); } void GetMyVal(...) { DoSomething<int>(1, /*anonymous func h...

Intellisense fails for boost::shared_ptr with Boost 1.40.0 in Visual Studio 2008

I'm having trouble getting intellisense to auto-complete shared pointers for boost 1.40.0. (It works fine for Boost 1.33.1.) Here's a simple sample project file where auto-complete does not work: #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> struct foo { bool func() { return true; }; }; void bar() { boost::shared_ptr<foo> pfoo; pfoo.get()...