
subversion merge trunk -> branch: trunk changes not recognized

I'm in a pickle. I'm using SVN 1.5 at Beanstalk and Tortoise SVN client 1.6.11 x64 on Windows 7. I'm developing on a branch and have been merging changes from the Trunk into my branch at least once a week. I recently noticed some things weren't working as trunk changes didn't make it into my branch. When I try to do a merge, Tortoise...

Select an effective revision control

Hello, We are a company, working on small and some huge project. Sometimes on one project are more developers 5, 10, 20 etc. We are searching for an effective revision control system with best optional properties: Performance issues – one file size, complex directory structure Scalability – support for 5, 10, 25 developers, 10, 50, ...

branching ideas for concurent team development?

Anyone have some good pointers on how to get multiple teams doing concurrent development using Microsoft TFS? i have been using subversion for the past many years now and it allowed my team to work freely without exclusively locking files and doing auto merges when possible (like 99% of the time) but this all falls apart when m...

Migrating a branching strategy from ClearCase to TFS 2010

I am in an "internal" IT shop and we currently use ClearCase for version management. Our branching strategy is common for this with the main branch being reserved for live code and branching off main for project and hotfix type activities. Each project (and they overlap often) has a branch off main, we don't have multitiered branching....