
Browscap For Python

I was looking around, and couldn't find the Python equivalent of browscap (that I've used in PHP to detect what browser a given user-agent string is. I'm hoping I'm not going to have to write my own.. :P ...

browscap ini directive not set

I'm using the get_browser() function in an attempt to warn people that their browser doesn't support Javascript. Actually I'm using it to tell them they can use certain parts of a web application I'm building. I've decided to properly use Javascript because I'm tired of listening to developers that are scared of using it and I've seen so...

PHP: Using browscap.ini on shared host. - ini_set() failing

I'm trying to use get_browser() , unfortunately my page is on a shared host, and I have no access to php.ini. I have downloaded the latest version of browscap.ini and placed in my document root. I have then added the following:- if (!ini_set('browscap', '/home/private stuff/browscap.ini')) { echo "Failed to set browscap"; } else...

How to determine the browser of the user using PHP?

How to determine the browser of the user using PHP? So that if the users browser is IE then the variable $alert="onbeforeunload" and if it is not IE, for example Firefox (else) then $alert="onload. Help is much appreciated. Thanks Also please note that I can not install browscap.ini on my PHP server. ...