
Getting ajax history

Is it possible to get a history of all past ajax calls from the browser? If not, are there any ffx plugins or similar that will store all your ajax request in a similar way to the normal browser history? ...

Can you use hash navigation without affecting history?

I'm afraid it might be impossible but is there a way to change the hash value of a URL without leaving an entry in the browser's history and without reloading? Or do the equivalent? As far as specifics go, I was developing some basic hash navigation along the lines of: //hash nav -- works with js-tabs var getHash = window.location.hash...

Does back/forward in the browser change javascript variables?

<script type="text/javascript> var x = 0; //this occurs in the beginning of the page. $("#button").onclick{ x = 1; } </script> Let's say the variable "x" changes to 1. Then the user clicks a link. When the user clicks "back", will x be 0 or 1? ...

jQuery History Access Denied

hi; i'm testing jquery history plugin ( firefox fine working. but i'm testing ie7 browser has error reporting to "Access Denied". What solution this problem ? Error Line : var iframe = ihistory.contentWindow.document; Best Regards ...

How to get back button to work with anchors (#) and iframes

Hi, I am working on a site where the main part of it is driven by an ajax style navigation system using anchors in the url to define the application state. On top of this I now need to support IFrames that are loaded on top of this application. The problem I'm having is that the back button breaks if I make use of fragments. I've creat...

Why is jQuery .load() firing twice?

Hello S-O. I'm using jQuery 1.4 with jQuery History and trying to figure out why Firebug/Web Inspector are showing 2 XHR GET requests on each page load (double that amount when visiting my sites homepage (/ or /#). e.g. Visit this (or any) page with Firebug enabled. Here's the edited/relevant code (see full source): - $(document).re...

Jquery history, inspect the history stack

Im using this history jquery plugin and im trying to inspect the back stack. I can call this $.historyCurrentHash to return the current hash, but im trying to figure out how to look one step back in the stack. if i try calling this $.historyBackStack, but i just get an 'undefined'. anyone...

Can anyone advice me some HistoryManager( to use with AJAX ) to use with MooTools that will handle browser back and forward buttons ?

I've tried to use but whether it doesn't work with mootools 1.2 whether i'm writing wrong code :( ...

jquery - hash change event

I am using: $(window).bind( 'hashchange', function(e) { }); to bind a function to the hash change event. This seems to work in IE8,firefox, and chrome but not in safari and I assume not in earlier version of IE. For these browsers, I want to disable my javascript code that uses the hash and hashchange event. Is there a way with jQu...

Trigger Ajax function with back/forward actions?

Firstly I would just like to thank everyone for reading this and answering my questions. The help given to date has been invaluable and I a better programmer thanks to the help I have been given. To the problem at hand. I fear it is a little rough but the script below for the most part works. The problem is that while the history is st...

How to "bookmark" page or content fetched using AJAX?

How to "bookmark" page or content fetched using AJAX? It looks like it can be easy if we just add the details to the "anchor", and then, use the routing or even in PHP code or Ruby on Rails's route.rb, to catch that part, and then show the content or page accordingly? (show the whole page or partial content) Then it can be very simple...

Stop loading of images on a hashchange event via JavaScript or jQuery

I am using the jQuery BBQ: Back Button & Query Library plugin to create a page that pulls in dynamic content when a link is clicked. When the link is clicked the hash is changed and new content is pulled in (the 'default' action of clicking a href is therefore disabled.) That part works just fine, but there is a problem. Example of my ...

jQuery History Plugin works in Chrome?

The jQuery History Plugin ( is said to work with Chrome: Supported Browsers IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox3, Safari4, Safari5, Chrome4, and Chrome5 but then when i go to the top link mentioned above, if I click on load 1, load 2, and then ...

How to use the Really Simple History Javascript library?

Using Really Simple History When I use the following code, <body> <a href="#abc">abc</a> <a href="#abcd">abcd</a> <a href="#page=3&cat=4">page=3 cat=4</a> <a href="#page=3&cat=5">page=3 cat=5</a> <a href="#page=22&cat=33">page=22 cat=33</a> <script type="text/javascript" src="json2007.js"...

Ajaxify's History and Bookmarking not working on Chrome?

Ajaxify is quite a well known jQuery plugin. But I just used Chrome and try this page: for the New v2 features: History & Bookmarking. When I click on Link 1, 2, and 3, and click the back button on Chrome, the content is not refreshed. So for now, this feature doesn't work on Chrome? Is it be...

Why does Really Simple History Javascript library fire off event twice in IE but once on Firefox and Chrome?

The Really Simple History ( ) will fire off event once in Firefox and Chrome, but twice in IE (I am using IE 8). Does any one know why? <body> <a href="#abc">abc</a> <a href="#abcd">abcd</a> <a href="#page=3&cat=4">page=3 cat=4</a> <script type="text/javascript" src="json2007.js"></script...

YUI Two levels of tabs control browser history.

I want to be able to have two levels of tabs control the browser history, to allow for back/forward button functions. I would like the first row of tabs open up a set of links, that would open one more step, and then allow the back button to trace back each step one by one. Example is: My Friends (The First Tab) --Click to--> Joe Brown...

The best Ajax History and Bookmark plugin currently available

It seems that each Ajax History and Bookmark plugin has some minor bugs, ranging from Really Simple History jQuery History plugin;focus=1 Ajaxify The bug is either not firing off th...

Searchable, book-markable jQuery AJAX

Here is my solution for this. I'd appreciate any criticisms so I can improve. Here is the markup: <div id="menu> <ul> <li><a rel="foo" href="folder/foo.html">Foo</a></li> <li><a rel="bar" href="folder/bar.html">Bar</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="ajax-content></div> And the jQuery using

JQuery Back/Forward Functionality with Ajax

Hi there, I've been coding a site using JQuery to load different .html files into a content div on the page. Of course this means that the back and forward buttons don't do much to navigate within the site. I've done some research, and found a bunch of options like history, and even found this Stack Overflow question regarding my issue....