Displaying HTML content in a Field in blackberry
hi.. I am getting JSON response from the server..Inside that JSON string i am having HTML content which i need to display in a field.. Can anyone help.. ...
hi.. I am getting JSON response from the server..Inside that JSON string i am having HTML content which i need to display in a field.. Can anyone help.. ...
I want to be able to display some simple chunks of HTML in my native BlackBerry app, NOT returned from a URL. This is similar to existing Stackoverflow questions (e.g. here and here), but I need help getting the actual BlackBerry sample code to run (or perhaps somebody to tell me why this is doomed to not work!). The BlackBerry website...
I am using a class in which I am loading some text and images in browser field by using html tags.Now I want to change the text dynamically, how to refresh the browser field once after loading the screen. If I use onclick tag on html to detect the click event then How to use java scripts to do some functionality for that click event. I ...
Hello All, What I am trying to do is display a simple web page in my application (no javascript,cookies or any scripting and not trying to detect any events such as mouse click etc.). I am using the code below and right now all I get is empty screen .. I know that the application is accessing the internet (the data transfer arrow flash...
Hello I've just started with programming for the Blackberry device. I'm using version 5 of the API. I'm building a very simple application which is just a browserfield. So far it's all working great. I can display my browserfield with the content I need. The problem I'm having now is if the device doesn't have an active internet conne...
Hi there! here is the cod: public class MyHttp extends MainScreen{ public static final String HTTP_FILE = "local:///sources"; public MyHttp(String fileName){ BrowserField browserField = new BrowserField(); add(browserField); try{ browserField.requestContent(HTTP_FILE + fileName); } catch (Ex...
Hi Everyone, I have an HTML String like <p>something</p> etc... some other html string etc... <p>something</p> I would like to print in a field this string formatted. in android I use a webview... in iphone a UIWebView... but in BlackBerry? Thanks ;) Sergio ...
Hi all! Please can anyone help me with my issue - what is the way to know that browserfield2 has finished loading in Blackberry. I need to set some options after loading. Does browserfield2 have some methods to show that? ...
i'm developing a aplication for blackberry and i want to display a simple webpage (for example www.google.com). i'm having troubles using the examples on the blackberry developer page, can anyone give me an example that work? i'm using Eclipse and net.rim.device.api.browser.field.* api. my blackberry's device OS is 4.6 ...