
Buffer a large file; BufferedInputStream limited to 2gb; Arrays limited to 2^31 bytes

I am sequentially processing a large file and I'd like to keep a large chunk of it in memory, 16gb ram available on a 64 bit system. A quick and dirty way is to do this, is simply wrap the input stream into a buffered input stream, unfortunately, this only gives me a 2gb buffer. I'd like to have more of it in memory, what alternatives d...

How do I peek at the first two bytes in an InputStream?

Should be pretty simple: I have an InputStream where I want to peek at (not read) the first two bytes, i.e. I want the "current position" of the InputStream to stil be at 0 after my peeking. What is the best and safest way to do this? Answer - As I had suspected, the solution was to wrap it in a BufferedInputStream which offers markabil...

Java BufferedReader back to the top of a text file?

I currently have 2 BufferedReaders initialize on the same text file. When I'm done reading the reading the text file with the first BufferedReader, I use the second one to make another pass thru the file from the top. Multiple passes thru the same file are necessary. I know about reset(), but it needs a previous call to mark() and mark...

Get FileNotFoundException when initialising FileInputStream with File object

I am trying to initialise a FileInputStream object using a File object. I am getting a FileNotFound error on the line fis = new FileInputStream(file); This is strange since I have opened this file through the same method to do regex many times. My method is as follows: private BufferedInputStream fileToBIS(File file){ FileInputSt...

Java BufferedReader for zero-terminated strings

I need to read zero-terminated strings from InputStream in Java. Is there similar to BufferedReader.readLine() method for reading zero-termianted strings? ...

How java.io.Buffer* stream differs from normal streams?

How buffered streams are working on the background and how it actually differs and what is the real advantage of using the same? Another Query,.. Since DataInputSytream is also Byte based, but it is having methods to readLine().. Whats the point in here ...

How do i input a string from a buffered reader?

Im used too using Scanner mainly and want too try using a buffered reader: heres what i have so far import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class IceCreamCone { // variables String flavour; int numScoops; Scanner flavourIceCream = new Scanner(System.in); // constructor public IceCreamCone() { } // methods public String getFlavou...

JBOSS hanging on org.apache.jk.common.JkInputStream.receive() - IOException reading the http request inputstream

I have a problem that causes all threads in JBOSS to block while reading the input stream. It does not happen predictably and the system can run for days (or longer) before it starts to suffer. The problem looks similar to question 1624159 but I have yet to try setting -Dhttp.keepAlive=false as recommended in the answer because I wondere...

What are the default buffer size for java.io.BufferedInputStream on old and exotic JVMs?

I've been doing some research for a blog post regarding java.io.BufferedInputStream and buffers. Apparently, over the years, the default has grown from a measly 512 bytes to 8192 bytes as of (presumptuously) Sun's Java 7 implementation, and was even explicitly specified in the JavaDocs in JDK 1.1.8. My question has also brought up que...

how to tune BufferedInputStream read()?

I am reading a BLOB column from a Oracle database, then writing it to a file as follows: public static int execute(String filename, BLOB blob) { int success = 1; try { File blobFile = new File(filename); FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(blobFile); BufferedInputStrea...

Reading HttpURLConnection InputStream - manual buffer or BufferedInputStream?

When reading the InputStream of an HttpURLConnection, is there any reason to use one of the following over the other? I've seen both used in examples. Manual Buffer: while ((length = inputStream.read(buffer)) > 0) { os.write(buf, 0, ret); } BufferedInputStream is = http.getInputStream(); bis = new BufferedInputStream(is); ByteAr...

Usage of BufferedInputStream

Hello everyone. Let me preface this post with a single caution. I am a total beginner when it comes to Java. I have been programming PHP on and off for a while, but I was ready to make a desktop application, so I decided to go with Java for various reasons. The application I am working on is in the beginning stages (less than 5 cla...

Many nested BufferedInputStream's - what's the impact?

There's a common pattern, when each layer of application, dealing with data from a stream tends to wrap it into a BufferedInputStream, so that at a whole, there's a lot of buffers, filled from buffers, filled from buffers and so on. I think this is bad practice and want to question: how does it impact the performance? Can this cause bu...

Should I buffer the InputStream or the InputStreamReader?

What are the differences (if any) between the following two buffering approaches? Reader r1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"), bufferSize); Reader r2 = new InputStreamReader(new BufferedInputStream(in, bufferSize), "UTF-8"); ...