
Are there an alternative to System.IO.BufferedStream in C#?

I receive the follow exception: System.NotSupportedException : This stream does not support seek operations. at System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Seek(Int64 offset, SeekOrigin origin) at System.IO.BufferedStream.FlushRead() at System.IO.BufferedStream.WriteByte(Byte value) The follow link show that this is a known problem for ...

c# - StreamReader.ReadLine does not work properly!

Simply I have been trying to implement what BufferedStreamReader does in Java. I have a socket stream open and just want to read it in a line oriented fashion -line by line. I have following server-code while (continueProcess) { try { StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Socket.GetStrea...

In C++, how system implement the buffered stream ?

Can someone write some sample code to explain this concept? I know what a buffered stream is used for, but I also would like to know how to implement that. Thanks in advance! ...

How do I use unread() in PushBackBufferedInputStream after the stream is empty?

Making a Lexical Analyzer in Java and I'm using PushbackInputStream because I need to be able to push back what I read in case it's not what I wanted. But whenever the stream is empty and read() returns -1. It doesn't allow me to use unread(). EDIT: I'm currently using a regular InputStream, reading it all at once, putting it into a sta...

What is the best way to read the uploaded files from Request.Files, StreamReader or BinaryReader or BufferedStream?

I have a form where the user can upload multiple files. I am using MVC 2.0 and in my controller I need to call a webservice that is a common import interface requires the files to passed in as byte[]. .NET exposes Request.Files as a HttpFileCollectionBase and I access the filehandle using HttpPostedFile or HttpPostedFileBase that provid...