
BusyIndicator.Message Binding to Collection of strings

I'm trying to binding a SL BusyIndicator to a collection of busy messages. When the collection has items, the indicator will display the messages. When the collection of messages is empty the indicator will hide. First off the indicator is not displaying my messages, all I see is a blank indicator box, with an indeterminate progress bar...

How to do 'busy' animation in Android ?

Doesn't seem to be covered in the books Ive looked at. ...

Silverlight large TreeView + Busy Indicator

Hello, I'm working on a Silverlight interface that among other things needs to display a bunch of URLs and the HTML elements they contain in a TreeView control. The user may view the tree in two modes: read only (contains only the URLs and HTML elements selected by the user) and edit (contains everything). In order to do this I use two ...

Simplest way to create busy animation in WPF

I mentioned that there is no standard busy control in WPF. So what's the easiest way to display animated busy circle (not progress bar) such as your browser displays when loading a page ? Please if you suggest downloading control from internet make sure that this control is for free and with no licence restriction (such as I would be fo...

Which dll has 'BusyIndicator' for silverlight?

I have installed Nov '09 silverlight 3 toolkit. Referenced System.Windows.Control from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v3.0 Libraries\Client\System.Windows.Controls.dll but when I compile my code I am getting "Error 6 The type or namespace name 'BusyIndicator' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Windows.Controls' (are yo...

Ajax-style Style for Silverlight BusyIndicator?

I'm looking for an example Style to change the look of the Silverlight BusyIndicator to more like the "spinning wheel" look of AJAX apps. A lap around google produces some links to where people are creating new controls to achieve the same thing (I suspect they pre-date the BusyIndicator) but I'd rather skin the BusyIndicator if possibl...

Silverlight page level activity detection

Hi, I have a Silverlight 3 application that needs to display progress whenever there is any activity on the page. I have various buttons on the page, some drop down lists and other UI elements, most of which are capable of making a request. //Edited and as such registering the BusyIndicator control for each of them is what I am tryin...

Silverlight 4 - BusyIndicator working with a DomainDataSource

Can someone please help me get this to work? I am trying not to use code behind as I'm putting a little test application together to test WCF Ria Services. <my2:BusyIndicator IsBusy="{Binding ElementName=targetDomainDataSource}" BusyContent="{Binding}" DisplayAfter="0:0:0.1"> ...

Silverlight - Block the screen while the ListBox is rendering using BusyIndicator

I have a ListBox which is wrapped by a BusyIndicator. The ListBox is quite heavy sometimes it could take 4 or 5 seconds to render. I wonder what is the best way to block the UI using the BusyIndicator while the ListBox is rendering? Edit: Sorry I didn't make my question very clear... Please be aware of that the ItemsSource of the ListB...

busy indicator during long wpf interface drawing operation

I am using some 3rd party components that take some time (~3-5s) to render - after profiling I've come to conclusion that most of the time is wasted in MeasureOverride and Render methods of those controls... I cannot edit source code of those components. The problem is .. can I display a busy indicator while the interface is being 'drawn...