
CATIA-CAA CATNavigBox Resize

Is it possible to change the size of the treeview window after it has been visualized? My code looks like this: _p2DNavViewer = NULL; _p2DNavViewer = new CATNavigation2DViewer(this, "", CATDlgFraNoTitle | CATDlgWndNoDecoration |CATDlgWndChildMDI |CATDlgFraNoFrame, _width, _height); _pNavigBox = new CATNavigBox(this, "", NULL, Ind...

CATIA-CAA CATKeyboardEvent

I know there are only a few CAA Programmers in the world but I try it anyway... I can't get keyboard events to work. I found this code which looks reasonable but the Notification doesn't fire. AddAnalyseNotificationCB(CATFrmLayout::GetCurrentLayout()->GetCurrentWindow()->GetViewer(), CATKeyboardEvent::ClassName(), (CATComma...