
How do I check to see if a column name exists in a CachedRowSet?

I am querying data from views that are subject to change. I need to know if the column exists before I do a crs.get*X*().I have found that I can query the metadata like this to see if a column exist before I request the data from it. ResultSetMetaData meta = crs.getMetaData(); int numCol = meta.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 1; i < nu...

Strange behaviour when accessing Oracle 8i table from servlet

Hi there, First a little background, I'm using jdk 1.6. I've got a 2 column table in an Oracle 8i DB that holds a very simple code to word map. There are no strange characters. Both columns are varchar. From my desktop machine, when I execute the the following: OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource(); ods.setDri...

Does CachedRowSet work with all ResultSet implementations?

I'm trying to implement a database paging solution (forward only required) using a CachedRowSet to page an AS400JDBCResultSet containing the results of my query. I've tried using the CachedRowSet cachedRowSet = new CachedRowSetImpl(); cachedRowSet.setMaxRows(10); cachedRowSet.setPageSize(10); cachedRowSet.populate(resultSet); approac...

copy resultSet without using cachedRowSet

I 'm trying to close the connection after executing a query. Before, I just create a CacheRowSetImpl instance and it will take care of release the resources for me. However, I am using hive database driver from hadoop project. It doesn't support CachedRowSetImpl.execute(). I'm wondering is there any other way that allow me to copy the re...

Google web toolkit doesn't work with CachedRowSet

I'm trying to creating a web app using GWT. In my application, I use MySQL as database. I tried to use a connection pool to control the number of connections to the database. However, Google web toolkit doesn't support CachedRowSet, which prevent me from closing the connections. Does any one know a walk around for this? (except making a ...

Are there any good CachedRowSet implementations other than the proprietary Sun one?

I am investigating using javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet in part of my application, however I can only find information on using the proprietary sun implementation com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl or Oracle specific implementations. The sun implementation is unsupported and subject to change. Using this could cause also us problems if we w...

Updating RowSet if table content is changed?

Hey there, Is it possible to update/refresh a RowSet's in case the table content is changed (for e.g. another application modifies it)? So this way I 'always' have an up-to-date version of the table. I looked into RowSetListener, but these events seem to get invoked only if I make modifications to the RowSet directly. It would be enoug...

JSF datatable does not update when deleting first line

I am working on making a jsf datatable backed by a database. I am currently using a CachedRowSet to provide data. A command link allows the user to delete a line in the CachedRowSet by calling a method of the backing bean. The delete method works fine, but whenever the user tries to delete the very first row of the datatable something...