
how to specify x and y co-ordinate of textfield in java???

i'm making a calculator using java for which the position of textfield has to be specified. all i know is to specify the position using border layout but that can't be used here as the position of other buttons have to be specified.. so kindly help me ...

how to do? User type some numbers and then another function return result of addition of these numbers? (C/C++)

how to do? User type some numbers and then another function return result of addition of these numbers? (C/C++) for example, user type in 3 4 7 and then he see printed on screen 14 another one, user type 5 6 and gets 11 I'm a beginner in programming C, so I ask you to help me, please ...

no text in textfield

please help me with this code the text is not appearing in textfield although it is through cmd prompt but not in textfield import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class listener11 { private JFrame f; private JButton b; private JTextField tf; public static...

Partially editable PyQt4 TextEdit

I'm currently making a frontend for my favorite expression-oriented arbitrary-precision calculator using PyQt4. The problem with it is that there doesn't seem to be any way to make part of a TextEdit widget read-only (specifically, the text that has already been sent and the results thereof) but the rest of it fully editable. Do I need t...

Making my own Carbon Footprint Calculator

I'm trying create my own carbon footprint calculator, but I'm having trouble finding all the proper equations and such online, anyone know of any decent resources? ...

Javascript calculator as users type numbers

I'm a noob at Javascript, but I'm trying to implement something on my website where users can type a quantity, and the subtotal updates dynamically as they type. For example: if items are 10 dollars each, and a user types 5 in the text field I would like it to show $50 next to the text box. Pretty simple multiplication, but I don't know ...

Improve BNF for mathematic expressions

A good exercise while learning programming, is to write a calculator. To do this, I created some kind of DSL in BNF and want to ask for your help to improve it. With this minilanguage you should be able to add, multiply and assign values and expressions to names (a.k.a. create variables and functions). Hava a look at the BNF first: <Pr...

Android:I need a slide in calculator type soft keypad a la iphone

I'm attempting to replicate on android an iphone app my company had developed externally. My need is simple but it seems hard to achieve under android. I have three numeric edittext inputs. Each should take only decimal numeric values. So numbers 0-9 and "." or ",". On the iphone this was achieved by a slide in calculator style keypad ...

Binary to standard digit?

I'm going to make a computer in Minecraft. I understand how to build a computer where it can make binary operations but I want the outputs to be displayed as standard integer numbers. How you "convert" the binaries into standard digits? Is there any chart for that? And the digits will be shown like in old calculators; with 7 lines. -- ...

how to use operators while making calc in java

i used this code and I am having problem in the very basic step of how to use operator. Moreover I am even having problem taking more then 1 digit. If you please just add up the missing statements which would help me out. In the given code I have removed those steps that created problems in actionPerformed function import java.awt.*; im...