
Regular expression to identify CamelCased words

How do I find all CamelCased words in a document with a regular expression? I'm only concerned with Upper camel case (i.e., camel cased words in which the first letter is capitalized). ...

How can I configure vim so that movement commands will include underscores and CamelCase, but completion will ignore them?

For example, I currently have this: set iskeyword-=_ This has the effect of making this work: foo_bar If cursor is on "f", pressing w moves cursor to the underscore. Pressing again moves to the "b" in bar. This is the desired effect for movement, but has the undesired side-effect of breaking completion. Same story with CamelCas...

Converting camel case to underscore case in ruby

Is there any ready function which converts camel case Strings into underscore separated string? I want something like this "CamelCaseString".to_undescore to return "camel_case_string" ...

from camel case to underscore case conversion with php __autoload() function

Hey Guys, PHP manual suggests to autoload classes like function __autoload($class_name){ require_once("some_dir/".$class_name.".php"); } and this appoach works fine to load class FooClass saved in the file my_dir/FooClass.php like class FooClass{ //some implementation } here is my question: how can I make it possible to use _...

The correct case&format of variable and methods and for Python

So I know some languages have expected conventions. PHP - underscore_case() [for the most part, lolo] Java - camelCase() C# - PascalCase() etc. What's the "Pythonic" naming convention? I know it doesn't matter in the end but just wondering if there is a "best practice" way that most modules are done in. ...

move through string to next upper case character in visual studio 2008

when im working in xCode i can use the Command-LeftArrow and Command-RightArrow to move to the next word break or upper case character in the source code this is really handy when renaming variable names etc, e.g. if i have "rightAudioFile" and my cursor is at the start of the word i can press Command-Shift-RightArrow and select/highlig...

Convert Json style propertie names to Java Style CamelCase names with GSON

I'm using Gson to convert json data I get to a Java object. It works pretty well in all my tests. The problem is that our real objects have some properties named like is_online. Gson only maps them if they are named totally equal, it would be nice to have Gson convert the names to Java camel case isOnline. It seems this is possible whil...

How do I convert CamelCase into human-readable names in Java?

I'd like to write a method that converts CamelCase into a human-readable name. Here's the test case: public void testSplitCamelCase() { assertEquals("lowercase", splitCamelCase("lowercase")); assertEquals("Class", splitCamelCase("Class")); assertEquals("My Class", splitCamelCase("MyClass")); assertEquals("HTML", splitCa...

How to format a string to camel case in XSLT?

I'm trying to format strings in XSLT that needs to be in camel case to be used appropriately for the application I'm working with. For example: this_text would become ThisText this_long_text would become ThisLongText Is it possible to also set this up where I can send an input to the format so I do not have to recreate the format mult...

T4 FieldName in camelCase without Underscore?

I'm using T4 to generate some class definitions and find that I'm getting an underscore in front of my field names. I have set code.CamelCaseFields = true; just to be safe (even though I understand that's the default) but still end up with _myField rather than myField. How can I generate a field name without the '_'? Also, where is...

Javascript Regex Camel Case - Sentence Case

How can I convert a string into camel case using javascript regex? "EquipmentClass name" or "Equipment className" or "equipment class name" or "Equipment Class Name" should all become: "equipmentClassName". Thanks. ...

force CamelCase on domain name in browser's address bar

Can I force a domain name to appear CamelCase in the browser's address bar? All browsers seem to force lowercase on the domain. Can this be accomplished with the .htaccess file... or some other means? I'm generally fine with the all lowercase default, but have a client who has asked, and would like to give a definitive answer. ...

Why are my camel cased actions in Zend MVC attempting to call non-camelcased method names?

The Zend standard for action names is camelCase, yet if I create an action with camel casing, the request fails because it tries to call the method (action) without the camel casing! Example: I have an action named "changeEmail" in module "abc". The method is "changeEmailAction" (created by Zend Tool). If I try to access /abc/changeE...

Function to Make Pascal Case? (C#)

I need a function that will take a string and "pascal case" it. The only indicator that a new word starts is an underscore. Here are some example strings that need to be cleaned up: price_old => Should be PriceOld rank_old => Should be RankOld I started working on a function that makes the first character upper case: public string F...

Using ispell/aspell to spell check camelcased words

I need to spell check a large document containing many camelcased words. I want ispell or aspell to check if the individual words are spelled correctly. So, in case of this word: ScientificProgrezGoesBoink I would love to have it suggest this instead: ScientificProgressGoesBoink Is there any way to do this? (And I mean, whi...

CamelCase delete numbers

Hi! I am trying to use CamelCase to separate words in order to make title properly. Some of these strings are also with number. For example: 1962NBAFin4als becomes NBA finals. So it is just ignoring numbers. I tried to do some research in internet, but I haven't found anything helpful. Is it a problem of CamelCase?? My java code is: ...

Displaying camel cased words as such with underscores in Eclipse

To me, reading long camel cased words can sometimes be a bit frustrating. For example: aReallyLongCamelCasedMethodNameWhichIsTooSelfDescribing Now, look at this version: a_Really_Long_Camel_Cased_Method_Name_Which_Is_Too_Self_Describing Which version is easier on your eyes? The second one is for mine. While using Emacs, I stumbled...

PHP preg_match_all CamelCase, obtaining prefix_ and CamelCased elements

Hello, I'm trying to use preg_match_all to return an separate arrays for various elements in a CamelCase string. In my example, I'm attempting to obtain the prefix of a string in one array and everything else ( the camelcase portion of the string ) split up into a second array. For instance, get_BookGenreTitle is supposed to return get_ ...