
A jscript variable in a Query

Maybe a very simple question. How can I put in this code <Query> <Where> <Eq> <FieldRef Name="Judge_x0020_1" /> <Value Type="Text">mr. R. Sanches</Value> </Eq> </Where> </Query> A variable from jscript in the area of the code where mr. R. Sanches is written. So my jScript contains a dynamic text va...

Content Query Web Part - How do you OrderBy when you QueryOverride?

How do you order items when you override the QueryOverride property of the Content Query Web Part? I have been given responsibility for a Web Part which extends the Content Query Web Part. The QueryOverride property of this Web Part is programmatically changed. Currently, the Web Part does not function as designed, as it does not order ...

Tail-recursive merge sort in OCaml

Hello world! I’m trying to implement a tail-recursive list-sorting function in OCaml, and I’ve come up with the following code: let tailrec_merge_sort l = let split l = let rec _split source left right = match source with | [] -> (left, right) | head :: tail -> _split tail right (head :: left) in _spli...

Is it possible to have a Ocaml function that accepts only integer lists?

I'm writing a recursive function in Ocaml that's supposed to count the number of items in an integer list (Yes I know there's a List.length function but I'm trying to do it myself). However the Ocaml compiler/interpreter forces me to use alpha list all the time. So is it wrong to say that, when a function accepts a list as a parameter,...

SharePoint 2010 List View Query Parameters failing to deploy

Greetings, Using Visual Studio 2010, I've created a list definition + list instance based on a SharePoint calendar. In the Schema.xml file, I've defined a custom view for the list that filters the calendar events based on the category field and set it as the default view. The view deploys to SharePoint 2010 and correctly gets set as th...

Sharepoint 2007: How to define the content type of a listitem using webservices

I'm create a list item via ASP.Net to be published automatically on Sharepoint. However, I cannot find how to define the content type via the CAML query. ...

MOSS query the SiteUserInfoList list

Hi, I want to know how I can connect to the SiteUserInfoList using U2U CAML Builder tool, I know I can do it in code. But want to be able to quickly query it through the tool so I can bring back the values it holds. Or a better question... where is the SiteUserInfoList information held in the content database (mysites or site content d...

SharePoint's CAML query the "Created By" field with username

Hey, I have a form for administrators where they insert a user name ("domain\name") and the code gets and sets some information out of it. It's a huge project and some of the lists contain the username as a string ("domain\name"), but some lists only count on the "Created By" column, which is auto-created. I want to know what's the fa...

CAML query with nonexistent field

We need to have a web service that queries a sharepoint list using CAML, but we do not know what version of the list that we are using. Version introduced a new field we want to use in the query if it is present, but just ignore that otherwise. If I put it in the query on the old version, we get no results. How should I check if the f...

How to get a folder from CAML Query?

I have a List which has a two level hierarchy of folders. Something like this: List Folder_1 SubFolder_1 Item 1_1_1 Item 1_1_2 SubFolder_2 Item 1_2_1 Item 1_2_2 Item 1_2_3 Folder_2 SubFolder_1 Item 2_1_1 Item 2_...

How to update a sharepoint list item via web services using a where clause?

I would like to update a list item using SharePoint and am stuggling to find 1 decent CAML example. Here is what I want to do, in SQL my query would look something like this update [table] set field='value' where fieldID = id; so this would mean I have 1 item in a list I would like to update 1 field on given the ID of that listitem. ...

CAML OrderBy for SharePoint Recurring Calendar Event

The following is the CAML query from a calendar view for a SharePoint list that I have. I have added an OrderBy statement that references two custom columns within the list. <Query> <Where> <DateRangesOverlap> <FieldRef Name="EventDate"/> <FieldRef Name="EndDate"/> <FieldRef Name="Recurre...

Querying SharePoint farm for all lists of certain type

I've created a list definition feature and in the elements.xml I've set its Type="111333". I've installed this list feature on several webs in my farm and created many lists from it. Is there an efficient way, maybe in CAML, to query my farm and retrieve only lists of this type (ServerTemplate = 111333) back? Thanks SF. ...

Sharepoint Content Query Web Part: Show items from "events" list that are set to occur or reoccur within a month

I've been reading this msdn post: trying to edit the content query web part to only show items from the event list which either occur within 30 days or reoccur within 30 days. It is straight forward to deal with events which do not reoccur because I can compare [Start Date] to [Today...

Sharepoint 2010: Full text plus faceted search over an External Content List using Search Services (or possibly FAST)

I have an External List over a products table in our database. I want to be able to build a search form over it via a full text search; in addition to being able to filter down on properties on my initial search. For example, say I'm looking for DVDs under 10.00 in product DB. I want to be able to have a search box where I enter "DVD OR...

sharepoint: editing webpart caml

I added this code to my sharepoint content query web part, which is looking at an events list from my calendar, .webpart file in order to only show recurring events within the next month and regular events within the next month. However, I can't get the web part imported and working. Also is there any way to replace <Month /> with a rang...

How to jump to arbitrary page of results with GetListItems call on sharepoint?

I'm using AJAX to send a web service call to Sharepoint to retrieve list items. I get the first page of results with: "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=''&gt; \ <soapenv:Body> \ <GetListItems xmlns=''&gt; \ <lis...

Query Datetime field in SPList

Can u tell me how to compare the date as well as time stored in a SPList as a DateTime field with the current system time using a CAML query? ...

When I use CAML to filter ListView, <!-- #RENDER FAILED --> was show in the ListView

Hi All When I use CAML to filter my ListView, it ok when I use this CAML: query = "<Where><Or>" + "<And>" + " <Eq>" + "<FieldRef Name=\"TagForDiscussion\"></FieldRef>" + "<Value Type=\"Text\">Tag</Value>" + "</Eq...

SharePoint 2010 CamlQuery with Javascript

I'm looking for a way to execute a caml query over the whole site collection using a the javascript client side object model. Right now I can only get values from single lists.. Is this possible at all? ...