
CONVERT and CAST in MySQL query

When I'm trying to delete an entry from a MySQL table using phpMyAdmin, I always have CONVERT and CAST in the delete query. Why do they appear and how can I get rid of them? Example: DELETE FROM `table` WHERE `table`.`field_1` = 3 AND CONVERT(`table`.`field_2` USING utf8) = CAST(0x6338643263323430623864326531373436343263613537353165363...

difference between static_cast<const A>(*this) and static_cast<const A&>(*this)

in the following code ( taken from effective C++ ): class A { .... .... .... char& operator[](std::size_t position) // now just calls const op[] { return const_cast<char&>( // cast away const on // op[]'s return type; static_ca...

Returning an argument pointer to an object

In C++ for Windows, I have some object factory that is supposed to create a series of Info object by passing a pointer to the object to a Create function and returning a created object. void CreateInfoObject(AbstractInfo** info); // The creation function AbstractInfo is a base class of which we have many types of Info objects derive...

How to do simple type cast in Scala?

This should be a silly question. scala> val aFloat = 1.5f aFloat: Float = 1.5 How to cast aFloat to an Int in a simple way? I already know to use a.asInstanceOf[Int]. But it needs too much keystrokes. ...

SQL Query Result Problem

I have Two SQL Query Both Return select round(convert(float,'24367.723'),2) Result:24367.72 Second: select convert(varchar(20),round(convert(float,'24367.723'),2)) Result:24367.7 Why the Second Query Return exclude the last digit after converting to varchar Thanks in Advance ...

Cast Array to Object Array

I have such method which accept jagged array of Objects. public void MyDataBind(object[][] data) I use it like this GoogleChart1.MyDataBind(new[] { new object[] { "September 1", 1 }, new object[] { "September 2", 10 } }); The question would be how to pass/cast predefined array values to this method? Let's say I have two arrays belo...

implicit cast through contructor with multiple arguments

If I have these 2 constructors for MyClass: MyClass(int n1); MyClass(int n1, int n2); and an overloaded (non-member) operator+: MyClass operator+(MyClass m1, const MyClass& m2); This enables me to write code like this: MyClass m; 5 + m: which I guess uses implicit cast through the defined constructor, correct? Is there anyway t...

In Java, can I consolidate two similar functions where uses JspWriter and the other PrintWriter?

I have the following class, which as you will see has rather a rather redundant formatNameAndAddress method: package hu.flux.helper; import; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; // A holder for formatting data public class NameAndAddress { public String firstName; public String middleName; public String lastNam...

How to define cast operator in super class in C# 3.5?

Hi, I have a container class for adding some properties to standard data types like int, string and so on. This container class encapsulate an object of such an (standard type) object. Other classes then use sub classes of the container class for getting/setting the added properties. Now I want that the sub classes can implicitly cast b...

SqlBulkCopy unable to Parse "0", "1" bool values into BIT on database table.

I am using my custom CSVDataReader : IDataReader {} to insert Bulk values in a Database table. Every datatype but the Bit (from "1"/"0") is parsed perfectly. I am getting the following error " value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type bit" while parsing 0 or 1 as bool If I change these values to "true"/"fal...

JYaml refuses to cast a number as a string, regardless of quotes or !!str

Hi everyone! Has anyone else had a problem with JYaml 1.3 where on Yaml.load it is casting a number (like 102) as an Integer, even if you put it in quotes? For example, here's a small snippet from my yaml file: . . . listValues: "102": Joe "101": John . . . The 102 and 101 get constructed into the object created by Yam...

safe cast by a subclass type id in java

I have a base Entity class: public class Entity { abstract int getTypeID(); } The method int getTypeID() returns a number that is unique to that class: public class OneEntity extends Entity { int getTypeID() { return 1; // Actually defined in a constants class } } Now I want to be able to safely cast it and ...

Java: Unchecked cast from X to Y / how to implement castOrNull

Hi, I have implemented this function: static <X,Y> Y castOrNull(X obj) { try { return (Y)obj; } catch(ClassCastException e) { return null; } } This gives me the compiler warning: Type safety: Unchecked cast from X to Y Which I don't exactly understand. Isn't the try/catch which I am doing here a check for it? Can I...

Dynamic casting in Java

Before I get chided for not doing my homework, I've been unable to find any clues on the multitude of questions on Java generics and dynamic casting. The type Scalar is defined as follows: public class Scalar <T extends Number> { public final String name; T value; ... public T getValue() { return value; } public v...

Is possible to get automatic cast from user-defined type to std::string using cout?

As in the question, if I define a string operator in my class: class Literal { operator string const () { return toStr (); }; string toStr () const; }; and then I use it: Literal l1 ("fa-2bd2bc3e0"); cout << (string)l1 << " Declared" << endl; with an explicit cast everything goes right, but if I remove the (string) the c...

Using MySQL Cast to find Wordpress posts with a custom field content equivalent to Price

I am using custom fields in Wordpress to contain an 'RRP' currency value. This field is text based, but I want to be able to run queries where I can bring out posts which have an RRP in a specific range. I've been looking into the MySQL CAST function and this seems to be the right thing, but I can't seem to get it working. Everything ...

Using cast or convert to convert negative int values to datetime in SQL Server

I have some negative integer values which are an offset from the default 1-1-1900 date. I have to get the datetime values from these. How can I do this. Example: If I do: SELECT convert(datetime, 53691) as Calc OR SELECT cast(53691 as datetime) I get: 2047-01-01 00:00:00.000 What I need is that If I do: SELECT convert(datetime, ...

what is the difference between typecasting and typeconversion in c++ or java ?

what is the difference between typecasting and typeconversion in c++ or java ? ...

MySQL Cast NULL to integer 0

Hello. How can I cast something that returns NULL to 0? If this is my query: select col from table; would this be the right way to do it: select cast(col as unsigned integer) from table;? Thank you. ...