
For someone with experience using xVal, is it worth it to learn and use castle validators over the built in data annotations?

What does the castle validators offer me over standard data annotations? I am a first-time user of xVal, data annotations and castle validators so there will be a learning curve regardless of which I decide. Is it worth it to just start using casle validators (I'm assuming they will be more robust) ...

Castle Validators how to Validate Is Lesser/Greater Than Or Equal

I see the ValidateIsLesser and ValidateIsGreater attributes. But what if I want to do a ValidateIsLesserOrEqual and/or ValidateIsGreaterOrEqual. Do I just need to write these custom attributes or is there pre-built capabilities for this that I am having a hard time finding? [ValidateNonEmpty] [ValidateDate] [ValidateIsLesser(IsLesserVal...

What techniques are being used to pass MVC ModelState validation errors back to the client when using JsonResult?

I'm sort of thinking out loud here, so let me know if I need to clarify... on ajax heavy sites, when using JsonResult to pass information back to the client, what techniques, patterns, best practices are being used to pass ModelState validation errors back to the client? I am using xVal and castle validation on my view models, is there...

MVC Validation Error Messages not hardcoded in Attributes

I have a requirement that the validation error messages that are passed to my view come from the database. I want to use data annotation on my model but the error message key in validation attributes can only be a string or a constant. I'm open to other solutions for validation but I need to pull the error messages from the database. ...

C# Custom Attributes accessing database

Hi all, I have a custom attribute that accesses the database with nhiberate. The attribute actually inherits from Castle's AbstractValidationAttribute and is used to validate properties against regular expressions. Problem is, these regular expressions are cms managed and stored in the database, and when you change the values in the d...

How to write Castle Validator 'ValidateSelf' attribute using Data Annotations

As explained in, ValidateSelf enables you to express validations in code. I know writing a custom attribute is not difficult, but why go into all that trouble just for one off validations. I can't help the feeling that validation by attributes is that much simpler than old method of writing a long...

Problem attaching xVal validator

I'm rendering the following input: <td class="field <%= BookingExternalResource.Metadata.Value.CssClass %>"><%= Html.TextBox(string.Format("BookingExternalResource[{0}].Value", i), row.Value, new { style = "width: 60px;" })%></td> So I've tried attaching a xVal validator like this: <script type="text/javascript"> xVal.AttachValid...

button and validators

I have a Table with two textboxes. Every textbox has a required validator to make the user insert data in the textbox. I also have a Login table to confirm user privilages. When I submit the button of login, the validators from the first table appear and prevent the user from logging in. I changed the login button property (Causes va...

When using Castle Validator how can I disable client-side validation for a particular button?

I have an MVC Application that is performing client-side validation using Castle Validator which is enabled with this... <%= Html.ClientSideValidation("formCreateUser", Model, "errorContainer")%> I have one particular submit button on the form that I want to cause a postback without performing the client-side validation. How can I dis...