
Using gcc along with ccache

Hi, I was thinking about using ccache with gcc compiled code on the team wide base (same ccache's cache will be used by all developers on the same machine). Since we're talking about commercial product, "correctness" of compilation is a top priority. Here come questions: Is the compilation using ccache is safe/reproducible? Is there...

Is there a Ccache for Visual Studio?

I am aware that scons implements the functionality of ccache, but I am stuck with another build system. I also know there is a gocache project on sourceforge that aims to implement ccache like functionality for other compilers, but it seems not complete. ...

g++, colorgcc and ccache

Trying to combine ccache and colorgcc. Following link text: my g++ is soft link to colorgcc ~/.colorgccrc contains line: "g++: ccache /usr/bin/g++" When running g++ --version receive: Can't exec "ccache /usr/bin/gcc": No such file or directory at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/IPC/ line 246. open3: exec of ccache /usr/bin/gcc --ver...

ccache and absolute path

I use cmake to create a makefiles. cmake creates gcc line containing absolute pathes. To speed up compilation I use ccache. Building same code from different locations (e.g. several developers compile the same code, each under its home directory) causes ccache cach miss. Googled it, but not found a good answer. ...

How to use ccache selectively?

I have to compile multiple versions of an app written in C++ and I think to use ccache for speeding up the process. ccache howtos have examples which suggest to create symlinks named gcc, g++ etc and make sure they appear in PATH before the original gcc binaries, so ccache is used instead. So far so good, but I'd like to use ccache onl...

ccache does not hit cache without deleting CMake files

I am trying to use ccache with CMake. I have placed symlinks named gcc, g++ and c++ in /usr/local/bin. If I run make, add some change to CMakeLists.txt that does not affect the compiled files (add unused library just to force make build all the targets) and re-run make, everything is recompiled as if there was no ccache. However, if I re...