
Attachments are 0 bytes for file sizes over 100k in Windows 2000 server IIS with ASP Classic

I'm using classic ASP to send an email with an attachment. It works fine for attachments under 100k, but anything larger than that gives me a zero-byte attachment. I've tried changing messages sizes under SMTP Virtual Server Settings, but nothing seems to work ...

Form to email script for

Hi all, Cdonts used to be the de facto form to email script, I think for classic ASP. Does someone know of a better form to email script I could use for please? Thanks, James ...

Error in class refering - CDONTS

I get an error at following line in my application : 'create NewMail object' Line 96: Function SendHTMLEMail (strFrom, strTo, strCC, strSubject, strBodyHTML) Line 97: Set objNewMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") The error is: Error Type: Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3) Invalid class string /, line 97 I h...