
Symbian S60 - Scrolling text in a CEikLabel

I have a single line CEikLabel in my application that needs to scroll text. The simple solution that comes to mind (but possibly naive) would be something like.. [begin pseduo code] on timer.fire { set slightly shifted text in label redraw label } start timer [end pseudo code] Using a CPeriodic class as the timer and label.D...

Fixed width font - Symbian C++ CEikLabel

I want to change the font I am using in a CEikLabel on S60 device I believe I can do the following const CFont* aPlainFont = LatinPlain12(); aLabel->SetFont(aPlainFont); where LatinPlain12 is one from this list.. Albi12 Alp13 Alpi13 Albi13 alp17 Alb17b albi17b alpi17 Aco13 Aco21 Acalc21 LatinBold12 LatinBold13 LatinBold17 LatinBold1...