
Missing record in Rails Testing

I'm trying to test Rails' Javascript with Cucumber/celerity and factorygirl. The stack itself works, but database is going crazy. I'm running mongrel on 3001 port (tried in both cucumber and test environments) and access it from cucumber via celerity. One of my tests looks following: create item 1 item exists do smth with item it w...

Logging in with webrat, celerity doesn't recognize that.

I'm using cucumber with webrat, and I am just starting to integrate culerity/celerity. My webrat login steps have been working great, and I have them as a Background for many of my scenarios. The problem is that although I can log in successfully via webrat, my celerity specific step definitions don't seem to recognize that. I can check ...

Selenium vs Celerity?

Isn't Selenium better than Celerity when it comes to testing web sites cause real browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Internet Explorer could be used so that we know our website is compatible with each of them. So if I use Celerity (it's java browser), even if all tests pass, doesn't that mean my website could still be incompatibl...

celerity submit form by pressing enter

Hi, I'm trying to use celerity to submit a form. This form has a generated link that is called when the user hits the enter button. How do I trigger this? I know you can submit by finding the link / button and pressing .click(). But I want to submit by pressing enter. I noticed that celerity form objects has a: (Object) submit Submi...

Running integration tests with Cucumber/capybara/celerity on a Jruby on Rails application using mysql

I've got an application I've been working on with ruby 1.9.1. I'd like to test the javascript in my UI and the default selenium driver for capybara doesn't support the events I need to test. So I'm going through the process of using rvm to switch the application on to jruby for testing, since apparently celertiy/culerity only work on j...