
Django/Celery can't find importlib

So I just updated django to 1.2.3 and now when I try to run 'python manage.py shell' to work in the django environment, I'm getting the following error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 11, in <module> execute_manager(settings) File "/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2...

Python+Celery: Chaining jobs?

The Celery documentation suggests that it's a bad idea to have tasks wait on the results of other tasks… But the suggested solution (see “good” heading) leaves a something to be desired. Specifically, there's no clear way of getting the subtask's result back to the caller (also, it's kind of ugly). So, is there any way of “chaining” job...

Django Signals in celery

I have a task that runs in a celerybeat instance. When that talk is executed, it sometimes modifies a model object, which should fire off a post/pre_save signal, but it doesn't. The signal is not happening. I imagine this is due to django's signals being synchronous while celery is doing it's thing on a different server in a different th...

Python+Celery: ignore task results on a per-invocation basis?

Is it possible to ignore task results on a per-invocation basis? For example, so I can ignore the results of tasks when they are being run during a web request, but wait for the result (which might have, eg, debug info) when I'm running the task interactively? I know that Tasks have the ignore_result flag, but I'm wondering specificall...

Celery Queue doesn't seem to register my tasks

I'm using Django and Celery to communicate with RabbitMQ. I've registered all of the tasks, and put them in the CELERY_IMPORTS tuple in my settings file. When I run a task, I get the "not registered" error message. # tail -f /var/log/celeryd.log . logfile -> /var/log/celeryd.log@INFO . events -> OFF . beat -> OFF . task...

Has anyone succeeded in using celery with pylons

Hi, I have a pylons based webapp and i'd love to use celery + rabbitmq for some time taking tasks. I've taken a look at the celery-pylons project but I haven't succeeded in using it. My main problem with celery is: where do i put the celeryconfig.py file or is there any other way to specify the celery options eg. BROKER_HOST and the lik...

init.d celery script for CentOS?

I'm writing a Django app that uses celery. So far I've been running on Ubuntu, but I'm trying to deploy to CentOS. Celery comes with a nice init.d script for Debian-based distributions, but it doesn't work on RedHat-based distributions like CentOS because it uses start-stop-daemon. Does anybody have an equivalent one for RedHat that use...

Django Celery causes an import error on runserver command

When I issue a runserver command, an ImportError is raised from djcelery (Django Celery). % python manage.py runserver ~/Workspace/django-projects/no-labels/src Validating models... Unhandled exception in thread started by <functi...

When running Celery with Django's manage.py command, it returns a strange error

When I run the following command, it produces the following error: % python manage.py celeryd -l INFO ~/Workspace/django-projects/project/src Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 11, in <module> execute_manager(...

Unit testing with django-celery?

I am trying to come up with a testing methodology for our django-celery project. I have read the notes in the documentation, but it didn't give me a good idea of what to actually do. I am not worried about testing the tasks in the actual daemons, just the functionality of my code. Mainly I am wondering: How can we bypass task.delay(...