
Why does MAP_GROWSDOWN cause SIGBUS errors after upgrading to Centos 5.5?

I was upgrading the OS on one of our build from Centos 5.3 32bit to Centos 5.5 32bit. After doing the package update I rebooted, checked out a clean copy of the source, built and ran the unit tests. All unit tests which rely on our MemMap base class began to fail. The crash occurs when we attempt to set the value of the guard page aft...

Centos x86_64 PHP 5.2.14 SQLITE missing? (WEBTATIC repo)

Hello, i allready updated php on my server to version 5.2.14 from webtatic repository (http://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/x86_64/). But i can't find SQLITE. Can someone help me? ...

"Best" Amazon EC2 EMI for CentOS with EBS storage?

Hi there, Are there any "good", clean, reliable and trustworthy "out-of-the-box" Amazon EC2 AMI images for CentOS that uses EBS storage by default (instead of instance storage)? The RightScale AMIs seem pretty popular but they are only with instance storage. I can't find any information or "Top AMIs" lists.. Thanks a lot in advance. ...