
Dynamically build and return a Python list in a C Python extension

I'm writing a Python extension in C, and I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically build and return a Python list using my extension. I know how to build a list of predetermined size using Py_BuildValue. Is there a way to create a list with Py_BuildValue then append items to that list? Is there a different, and better, alternative? ...

How to avoid gcc warning in Python C extension when using Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS

The simplest way to manipulate the GIL in Python C extensions is to use the macros provided: my_awesome_C_function() { blah; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS // do stuff that doesn't need the GIL if (should_i_call_back) { Py_BLOCK_THREADS // do stuff that needs the GIL Py_UNBLOCK_THREADS } Py_E...