
CF Query appears to return incomplete data from text field

I'm using CF8 and SQL2000. I'm storing a bunch of HTML in a Text field in my SQL table. When I do a simple CFQUERY against that data, and CFDUMP it, it's truncated to 64000 characters. I've confirmed that my data is complete in the SQL table, by selecting the tail end of the data using SELECT Substring, and confirmed the length using...

How to get list of scheduled tasks and last run results in ColdFusion?

We're trying to build a dashboard for our chron jobs -- CF, Java, SQLServer, etc. so that we can see when things were run last, what the result was, and when they're scheduled to run next. Is there a way with the CFAdmin API or some undocumented <cfschedule> trick to get a list of: What tasks are scheduled? What the last run time was?...