
Why does Coldfusion not send any email if only one of them is invalid?

I have a cfmail sending out to approxiamately 8 people (dynamically). One of these addresses is incorrect and therefore the whole email is not sent out. Is there any settings in the coldfusion administrator or in the cfmail tag where this can be changed so it will send to the 7 correct people and only fail for the one person. I'm using C...

CFMail SMTP connection limit

Currently using ColdFusion 8 enterprise on 32 bit linux box to send out our mail to a third party provider who do the delivery (relay). Currently we have maintain mail server connections checked in the ColdFusion admin but they'd like us to limit the connections to each one of their servers to 5 and I'm not sure if you can make ColdFusio...

How do I separate multiple email addresses in cfmail

Do I use a comma or semicolon? I can't seem to find it in the live docs. I also can't seem to find any consistency looking online as some examples use a comma while others use a semicolon. Are both acceptable? ...

What is the maximum number of email addresses that can be in a cfmail

Is there a maximum number of email addresses that can be included in a cfmail message? Is this number the maximum in each of the to, cc, and bcc or a combined maximum? ...

ColdFusion - Sending out a pretty email, mint style

I've used ColdFusion for sending text emails for years. I'm now interested in learning how to send those pretty emails you see from companies like Mint. Anyone know of a good ColdFusion tutorial to teach me how to make this work and not get hit by bugs or spam filters? ...

CFMAIL Caching? Has anyone had seen this before in CF7?

I'm using CFMAIL to send out an email. For some reason, when I edit the email msg in the CFMAIL tag, and save the file, CFMAIL isn't sending new emails with the changes... Is CFMAIL caching itself or the file that holds the CFMAIL tag? Thxs ...

For HTML Emails, How to embed images so users don't get a download prompt

I'm working to create an HTML email which includes 2 images. Currently, I'm using tags to place the image in the email. Problem is when users get the email, it's asking the user to "click to download" for security reasons. Is there a way to embed the image in the email, to avoid this issue? I'm using Coldfusion to send the email. Tha...

Reading Mail from an Exchange Server with Coldfusion - Possible?

Is reading emails from an Exchange server account possible with Coldfusion? If so, how? ...

ColdFusion email - is there a way to confirm the email has been sent?

Just using the standard cfmail tag, is there a way we can confirm that the email has been sent? I tried cftry/cfcatch but that only confirms that there were no errors in processing the tag, if I put in an invalid mail server, it passes (but mail obviously doesnt send) ...

local SMTP server won't send email from cfmail b/c of rcpthosts issue

We've ported several legacy ColdFusion sites from rackspace to viviotech, and they all work fine except for sending email using the cfmail tag. When viewing the CF mail.log it contains this error message for each attempt: "Error","scheduler-0","07/01/10","06:31:22",,"Invalid Addresses; nested exception is: class javax.mail.SendFailed...