
How do I access the HTTP Header of request in a CGI script?

I've used Perl a bit for small applications and test code, but I'm new to networking and CGI. I get how to make the header of a request (using and printing the results of the header() function), but haven't been able to find any info on how to access the headers being sent to my CGI script. Could someone point me in the right dir...

separate layout from templates in perl cgi::application

I am building a perl cgi::application using html::template. I am using 7-8 different templates having the same layout - header, footer, left column etc. How can I separate this html out of the template files into a single layout file. What perl modules do I need in addition to cgi::app and html::template. Thanks ...

Why would Perl's CGI::cookie be able to set a cookie in IE, but not Firefox?

I have a bit of Perl CGI code which I'm trying to run in the project web space of a SourceForge account. The code is able to set a browser cookie just fine when talking to IE, but the cookie is not set when talking to Firefox. When I test with Apache on "localhost", both browsers work fine. It's only on the remote SourceForge URL that...

How to pass POST data to the PHP-CGI?

Update: In a fit of desperation, I did the following in a shell: REDIRECT_STATUS=true SCRIPT_FILENAME=/var/www/... REQUEST_METHOD=POST GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1 export REDIRECT_STATUS export SCRIPT_FILENAME export REQUEST_METHOD export GATEWAY_INTERFACE echo "test=1" | php-cgi ...and STILL no $_POST variables are showing up in the ou...

Why are the images included in cgi page not getting displayed in browser?

Hello everyone,I hope everyone's doin good. I am facing an issue regarding the images, i have a cgi page i.e Login.cgi, in tha html section i have included some images but some are getting displayed and some are not. Here's the code: #!C:\perl\bin\perl.exe use CGI::Carp qw(warningsToBrowser fatalsToBrowser); use stri...

sql: sqlite: server side paging

I have a client talking with server program(using sqlite3 as the storage) which needs to support paging. I am thinking about how to implement that. One approach: 1) user request page 1 a. execute query from sqlite3 b. return the first page range items to client 2) user request page N a. execute query from sqlite3 b. return the ...

long process shell script cgi ?

Hello all, I have a CGI shell script that download a list of packages. And it prints some information about the process and then starts running it. When complete, it shows the result of the job. It works perfectly, however, on the browser doesn't show any thing until after the process is complete. Is there some way that tell the browse...

How can I discover if a program is running from command line or from web?

I have a python script and I wanna know if the request is from web or from command line. How can I do this? Thanks ...

custom cgi.FieldStorage make_file implementation doesn't get called

I am building a file uploader that also shows the current progress, so I am trying to override the make_file method of the cgi.FieldStorage class, so that the current transferred data size can be logged. The problem is my method is not being called for some reason. Perhaps I misunderstood how this is supposed to work: #!/usr/bin/env pyt...

Bash cgi output xmlrpc

Hi, I have this Bash Script: #! /usr/local/bin/bash SCGI_SOCKET=unix:///tmp/rpc.socket echo -n rT $(rtxmlrpc system.client_version)/$(rtxmlrpc system.library_version) echo -n \ [$(rtcontrol -qosize \* | awk '{ SUM += $1} END { print SUM/1024/1024/1024 }') GiB loaded] echo -n , D:$(rtxmlrpc to_mb $(rtxmlrpc get_down_total)) MiB echo -n ...