
Alternate methods for highlighting asynchronous page changes with jQuery

Some jQuery use cases call for letting the user know (usually through some animation) that something on the page has changed. For example, the user enters a format string in a text box (with codes for different tokens that can be replaced), then 1 second after the user is done typing, a different area of the page updates a live preview ...

How do you get notified of your repos' updates?

I'm working on several repositories at work and would like to be informed, if anything changes in the SVN repositories. I made a small BAT script (yes, BAT is usefull sometimes) that keeps executing an svn log -r BASE:HEAD on my working copy. It shows all submit comments and revision dates. It works really well but it's not comfortable ...

Is it possible to listen to relational database update?

Is it possible to listen to relation database update? For example, my web app want to send data update to client through Comet technology. I can have the program to poll the database periodically, but that would not be performant and scalable. If app can hood to a "event handler" of database, then app can get notification every time gi...

How to create XAML like path bindings in C#.

The XAML {Binding} construct is very handy because it handles all of the PropertyChanged issues automatically. It is really impressive when you hand it a path to an object, through .NET data structures, and everything is automatically updated for you. I would like to use the same thing in C#. I would like to have a property that is de...

Dependency Properties, change notification and setting values in the constructor

Hello, I have a class with 3 dependency properties A,B,C. The values of these properties are set by the constructor and every time one of the properties A, B or C changes, the method recalculate() is called. Now during execution of the constructor these method is called 3 times, because the 3 properties A, B, C are changed. Hoewever thi...

Quickly determining if a folder contents have been modified

I need to determine which folders contain files that have been modified "recently" (within a certain interval). I notice that folder datestamps seem to get updated whenever a contained file is modified, but this behaviour doesn't propagate up the tree, i.e. the datestamp of the folder containing the folder that contains the modified fil...

Entity Framework 4 - How to inject logic in property setter?

I have a property auto-generated from database in my edmx: Description. I then create a "partial class" .cs file for the entity and add a read-only property: ShortDescription. ShortDescription's getter simply processes Description (removes line feed, carriage return, etc). How can I raise property change notification for ShortDescript...