
Understanding this Pascal-FC threaded code

Program Parcial2; type buffer = channel of integer; var buffers : array [1..2] of buffer; val:integer; process sleeper (id:integer); var i : integer; begin for i:=1 to 10 do begin sleep (random(10*id)); **buffers (id):any;** end; end; process troll; begin buffers[1]: random(10); end; process watcher; begin...

.NET Remoting switching channels by itself.

Hi. We are having an odd problem with .NET Remoting. Basically, we have a server which registers two TcpChannels with ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(): one listens on port 50000, the other one listens on port 15000. We then have a client that registers a TcpChannel to be able to communicate with the server. We retrieve a an object from...

RTSP over HTTP client

I trying to realize rtsp over http. i have a problem with connection to RTSP camera. Maybe, someone can help me? Thanks. ...

Go Channels in Ruby

In the Go programming language, you can send Messages around using a construct called "Channels". I would love to use something like that in Ruby, especially for IPC. Pseudocode of what I want: channel = fork do 3.times{ channel.send("foo ") } exit! end do ...

Spring security as applied to Flex AMF channels?

The Spring/BlazeDS documentation is not clear on what happens if you just put <flex:secured /> Within the <flex:message-broker> stanza. That is, do not put any of these in there: <flex:secured-channel channel="my-amf" /> What happens? Will all channels be secured by default? or no channels? Piggyback question: Even if you put i...

AS3: Mono/Stereo for microphone?

When you use Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder you have a lot of options for audio. For instance channels and bit rate. I can't seem to find out how you can set that with Microphone or NetStream. I'm guessing it's possible since you can do it in Adobe's encoder? The only thing I can find is the sample rate. Anybody knows? ...