
How can I query chapter metadata from a m4a file?

I need to write some code that will let me query a m4a file and extract the chapter information out. Including: chapter name chapter start time chapter artwork I did some quick searching and it seems this is viewed as proprietary information by Apple? I found some discussions, but most were from 2005. Also there have been some si...

Add chapters to m4a (mp4) files

I used ChapterTool from Apple, but it's broken and discontinued since 2005.. Is there any other similar command line tool, or library (I'm writing in ruby..) ? ...

LaTex table numbering

How could I number the tables in my article chapter based ? So I want all the tables in the fifth section to be numbered like "Table 5.1", ..., "Table 5.n". I tried \usepackage{chngcntr} \counterwithin{figure}{section} \counterwithin{table}{section} \counterwithin{equation}{section} but I am having some problems (missing package ...