
CharSequence VS String in Java ?

Programming in Android, most of the text values are expected in CharSequence. Why is that ? What is the benefit and what are the main impacts of using CharSequence over String ? What are the main differences, and what issues are expected, while using them, and converting from one to another ? ...

how to convert string to Charsequence in JAVA

how to convert string to Charsequence in JAVA...???? ...

ArrayList<String> to CharSequence[]

What would be the easiest way to make a CharSequence[] out of ArrayList<String>? Sure I could iterate through every ArrayList item and copy to CharSequence array, but maybe there is better/faster way? ...

R.string.value Help android notification

whats the deal with CharSequence contentTitle = R.string.value; Error cannot convert from int to CharSequence. Is there a way around this or am i missing something? i tried String s = R.string.value + ""; CharSequence contentTitle = s; it returns integers values. Any help? ...

Android: How to read a number as int from a String; basically to read Text of a ListViewItem?

Hi, This is my problem. I have a ListView, each row is a CheckedTextView. The list view items are "1", "2" and "3". When a ListItem is clicked, I want to read the number and assign it to an int variable. I did the following to read the Text of the clicked item: onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) { ...