
Export ChartFX7 to SVG in Java

Can anybody give an example for exporting a ChartFX7 chart to SVG? I've tried: ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); m_chart.setOutputWriter(new SvgWriter()); m_chart.exportChart(FileFormat.EXTERNAL, baos); and also: ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); m_chart.setRenderFo...

ChatFx Lite LicenseException on build server

I downloaded ChartFx Lite and am using it successfully in my windows forms application on my development machine. I have added the ChartFX.Lite.dll assembly to my source repository and am trying to build the project on my build server that does not have ChartFx Lite installed. I get the error: Exception occurred creating type 'Softwar...

Access violation when accessing a COM object from .Net


Couldn't get Design Time license for 'SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart' error in C# solution

I'm trying to build a C# solution in Visual Studio 2008 written by other programmer. Visual Studio throws the following error: Exception occurred creating type 'SoftwareFX.ChartFX.Chart, ChartFX, Version=6.2.1342.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a1878e2052c08dce' System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: Couldn't get Design...

Eliminate ChartFX overlapping and clipping

ChartFX 7.0 has a PointLabelOrganizer.AutoArrange property to keep point labels on a chart from overlapping. I have a line chart with many overlapping point labels, so I set AutoArrange to true. However, instead of rearranging the points, it clips most of them so they disappear. Is there another setting that will eliminate both overl...

Is ChartFX 6.2 compatible with Vista and Windows 7

Does anyone have any success with WinForms ChartFX 6.2 on Vista or Windows? I'm after a sanity check that it's not just our code. If it's a known issue I can say that upgrading is the only solution. Currently we get an exception in the Scatter Chart when adding annotations, it looks like it's in the GDI, but the exception can't be caugh...

ChartFx tooltips are being clipped at end of chart

Hello, I have a relatively complex multi-line chart created in ChartFx (WinForms). Separate tooltips are displayed when the cursor hovers over any point on the line, when hovering over a shaded "section" of the graph, and when hovering on the x-axis to show the corresponding point on the chart. Two of these tooltips look great, one is...

Chartfx new chart object not initialized?

When I create a new chart object via: ChartFX.WebForms.Chart theChart = new ChartFX.WebForms.Chart(); When I took a look immediately the row after creation via breakpoint in Visual Studio 2005 I noticed there are 3 rows in the newly created chart that have data. Is this a bug? or do I need to call a specific function? Shouldn't the ...

java.lang.Error: "Not enough storage is available to process this command" when generating images

I am running a web application on BEA Weblogic 9.2. Until recently, we were using JDK 1.5.0_04, with JAI 1.1.2_01 and Image IO 1.1. In some circumstances (we never figured out exactly why), when we were processing large images (but not that large - a few MB), the JVM would crash without any error message or stack trace or anything. Th...

Reloading ChartFx component WinForms

I'm using a chart component on my WinForms application and I'm getting an unexpected behavior. I've a tree with some links, and when I click on some node, my chart data should update and show the new chart obviously. But, I click the node, my code-behind update the data, but my component (that is inside an update panel) don't ch...

LINQ reformat to Table in Memory

Hello all, I am working on an page that also users ChartFX. I need to pull a row from a database table and then flip it so that all of the labels for the row are in a column and all of the data from the row is in a parallel column to the labels. I would really like to do this using LINQ and then create a table in memory to store...