
Silverlight toolkit chart to many labels on axis

I'm using the newest chart control from silverlight toolkit to plot some data. For small cases it works ok, but for bigger samples the X axis labels overlap. It would be no problem if the chart would simply omit some of the values or I could specify to just show every 10th of them ... I couldn't find any properties providing this behavi...

ASP.Net Charting Control - Display a Threshold

Is it possible to display a static line across a chart which appears at a given point on the Y Axis? So say I have a chart which measures test scores, ranges which 0 to 100 which 70% being the pass mark and therefore displaying a straight line across the chart at this point? Would I have to add a new series or is there a property for suc...

C# animating a bubble chart in winforms

Hello, I'm attempting to make a motion chart like the one provided by the Google Visualization API[1], in C#, with Winforms. I've managed to get most of it working by using a chart containing multiple series, with one series per time period, and the series containing all the datapoints for that time period. I have a function that "Ani...