
Show extra info for Preference screens when CheckboxPreference summary field is not enough long?

I have a screen where you can enable/disable modules for my Android application. For this I use a CheckboxPreference screen. This is all good, but the summary field gets cut off if longer descriptions are added than 2 lines. Suppose I have 4-5 lines of description available for each module, I would like to display this in a helper wind...

Preferences & CheckBoxPreference

The documentation for the PreferenceActivity states "These preferences will automatically save to SharedPreferences as the user interacts with them." That being the case, if I subclass PreferenceActivity, invoke addPreferencesFromResource in onCreate, set some preferences in the UI I would expect that any changes made to my preferences s...

Android CheckBoxPreference Default Value

I have the following XML code for my CheckBoxPreference: <CheckBoxPreference android:key="pref_boot_startup" android:title="Auto start" android:defaultValue="true" /> But when I retrieve the preference in code the value is false. sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this)...