
Max value of int in ChucK

What is the maximum value of an int in ChucK? Is there a symbolic constant for it? ...

Detecting when ChucK child shred has finished

Is it possible to determine when a ChucK child shred has finished executing if you have a reference to the child shred? For example, in this code: // define function go() fun void go() { // insert code } // spork another, store reference to new shred in offspring spork ~ go() => Shred @ offspring; Is it possible to determine whe...

Synthesis of general programming language (Python) with tailored language (PureData/MaxMSP/ChucK)

I am learning Python because it appeals to me as a mathematician but also has many useful libraries for scientific computing, image processing, web apps, etc etc. It is frustrating to me that for certain of my interests (eletronic music or installation art) there are very specific programming languages which seem better suited to thes...

[Chuck] Reading ints from a file

Hi, I've this ChucK code: "examples/vento.txt" => string filename; FileIO fio; // open a file, FileIO.READ); // ensure it's ok if(!fio.good()) { cherr <= "can't open file: " <= filename <= " for reading..." <= IO.newline(); me.exit(); } fio.readLine() => string velocity; fio.readLine() => string direction; ...