
How to create Large resumable download from a secured location .NET

I need to preface I'm not a .NET coder at all, but to get partial functionality, I modified a technet chunkedfilefetch.aspx script that uses chunked Data Reading and writing Streamed method of doing file transfer, to get me half-way. iStream = New System.IO.FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Open, _ IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShar...

Any way to chunk gzip with Apache and PHP

I have a web application on a site that takes a while (~10 seconds) to complete a portion of the page near the bottom - it has been as optimized as it can be, and caching is not an option. We have compression enabled on the server via an .htaccess directive SetOutputFilter DEFLATE the problem is this causes the whole page to be held unt...

Chunked encoding and content-length header

Hi. Is it possible to set the content-length header and also use chunked transfer encoding? and does doing so solve the problem of not knowing the length of the response at the client side when using chunked? the scenario I'm thinking about is when you have a large file to transfer and there's no problem in determining its size, but it...

HTTP Chunked Transfer Coding and MFC

I have a Proprietery Client-Server application written in MFC. No clients other then my client is going to communicate with the server . For safetly reason , we are using HTTP. Until know , we used content-length to describe the client where the response body ends. Now we are having a situation where the length isn't known in advance an...

How to get InputStream of an https, chunked Push Servlet?

I spend three days in find out how I can connect to an https chunked push servlet and get an inputstream. The connection with HttpsURLConnection works and also with HttpClient but in every programmed code, when I try to get the InputStream of this servlet, this line blocks! No error, no exception, nothing. The debugger only stops at this...

Chunked transfer encoding ... example HTML document

Hi, I would like to know how to implement a chunked HTML document. How it looks? Can anyone post an example of an chunked HTML ducument, because I can't understand how to prepare my HTML document for using the Chunked transfer encoding. Thansk! Cheers Nik ...

Read Flex/Flash URL which has Transfer-Encoding chunked

I have a problem reading from Flex a url which has Transfer-Encoding: chunked because the FLex waits for the server to send terminate signal which in chunked transfer isn't sent... ...