
In what order does Class Completion put its results?

Example: I create a new unit, declare a class with several methods like constructor, destructor, method1, method2, method3 in that order and then hit Ctrl-Shift-C. The IDE creates all the method bodies automatically, but the order is mixed up and not as it was declared in the interface section. Now, this is not a problem, but is there a...

Delphi-IDE: how to change the way class-completion works?

Class completion in Delphi is a big time-saver, but I haven't found a way to customize it. I would like a getter and setter for a property to be grouped together instead of being thrown all over my unit; The interface part is generated properly, but the implementation section becomes a mess if you leave things up to the IDE. I want met...

Delphi: Codecompletion to override basemethods

In a class declaration, you can press Ctrl+Space to get a list of virtual methods in the baseclass that you can override. This list seems to be very limited, though. Ex. TMyBaseClass = class(TInterfacedObject) protected procedure mymethod; virtual; end; TMyClass = class(TMyBaseClass) protected {Ctrl+Space here...} end; ...