
Safe class imports from JAR Files

Consider a scenario that a java program imports the classes from jar files. If the same class resides in two or more jar files there could be a problem. In such scenarios what is the class that imported by the program? Is it the class with the older timestamp?? What are the practices we can follow to avoid such complications. ...

How to raise events from class library to form using module?

Hi, i've a app that starts from a sub in a module, do a few things, and then load the form. But it doesn't work :/ Here we execute dBase.AddTemporalFilepath module.vb Public dBase As New Core.clsDatabase Public Sub Main() FurBase.Directory = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath If appMutex.WaitOne(TimeSpan.Zero, True) Then ...

Java: online card game library/class/e.g.

Hi ALL, I am looking for java example solution/library/class for online card game. I'm interested in creating non-profit thousand card game, with functionality to play human vs human and human vs AI. I'll appreciate any kind of advise. Many thanks! ...

How can I restrict/prevent .net code execution on internet?

I develop a series of .NET class libraries and I don't want them to run from a web site. That is, users could only use/call my libraries through windows desktop applications. For example I don't want the users to be able to use these libraries in an ASP.NET web application, on a web site. Is there a way to achieve this? ...

Class Library Project VS App_Code - Pros / Cons?

I currently use the App_Code folder for all of my classes, and for me (for now) it seems to be working just fine. I have however been considering making the switch over to a Class Library Project inside my Solution instead of the App_Code folder. Can anyone tell me the pros and cons of doing this? One thought I had was with regards to...

Unmanaged DLL (exporting Dialog) + Class Library (DLL) + no Windows Style/Themes

Hi, I have a managed application TestApplication.exe in C# and Application.EnableVisualStyles() is allready called. I have a Class Library MySharedCode.dll also in C# which uses [DLLImport()] to import some External dialogs out of an unmanaged dll. Well, now I am using (add reference) MySharedCode.dll in my TestApplication.exe and cal...

Error Installing COM+ (Error Code: 80131501)

I've written a class library that reads from an xml file and return the result as a string. But when I want to install it as a COM+ component, an error occurred (Error Code: 80131501). I checked the event log and the details of the error is: Installation of 'C:\Users\User\Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\InteropSOA\InteropSOA\bin\D...

Modifying platform/frameworks/base package

Hi, I'm planning to modify some bits in the platform/frameworks/base project in Android Donut r2. The modifications are very small and goes into java packages and android.text (the API isn't affected). What jar libraries do I have to copy from the recompiled platform? the modifications are small and I don't want to rep...

How do I access resources file from a referenced library project?

I have an ASP.Net website, "MyApp", which contains the following resources files: WebResources.resx The website references a library project, "MyLib" from which I want to access those resources files. Here is the code I'm attempting: var rm = new ResourceManager("MyApp", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()); subjec...

Best practices to turn a .NET class library into a multithreaded .NET class library

I have some C# class libraries, that were designed without taking into account things like concurrency, multiple threads, locks, etc... The code is very well structured, it is easily expandable, but it can benefit a lot from multithreading: it's set of scientific/engineering libraries that need to perform billions of calculations in ve...

WCF Service Library vs Class Library project types

What does a WCF Service Library do that a regular class library doesn't? Edit: I posted my own answer. Am I missing anything? Are they fundamentally both just class libraries with a few template classes added? ...

How do I put an ASP.NET website project and class library projects in one .sln file on Subversion

My company has several class libraries we use in multiple website projects (not web application projects). Website projects don't have .sln files, but I'm sure I've read in my past research that you can make a blank solution and put your website and class library projects in it. After answers to my previous questions, this is the direc...

how to call any method of Project from classlibrary?

Hello I have Class Library Where a class of multithreading Of Producer and consumer based. private void WorkDeQueue() { while (true) { string Url = null; lock (locker) { if (queueList.Count > 0) { Url = queueList.Dequeue(); ...

How to have a class in a namespace that has the same name that is part of another namespace in a .net class library

ok...this gets confusing for me to explain, so i will show a class from one namespace and a seperate namespace... Company.Product.Domain (this represents the class that contains methods specific to that class, i named it "Domain" just so you can see how I'm using the same name in a separate namespace Company.Product.Domain.Data.Contra...

How to automatically copy embedded resources from class library that is referenced by another class library?

Here is my project structure: Web Application Project Has project reference to Class Library 1 in same Visual Studio 2008 solution Class Library 1 Has project reference to Class Library 2 in same solution Class Library 2 Has a file marked as Build Action: Embedded Resource and Copy to Output Directory: Copy Always Here is my pr...

Where are config files for class libraries physically located?

My guess is that this question will fall under the category of "duh", but, nevertheless, I'm confused. When using config files in, for example, a Windows Forms Application, the config file can be found in C:\Program files\CompanyName\ProductName\Application.exe.config. However, with the class library I'm developing I do not see a "Class...

C# Class Library wont register for COM

Hello All, I am trying to gain access to a .NET class library in Microsoft Excel. To do this I know that the .NET class library must be registered with COM. So I tried going to my Assembly Info and Setting COM Visible to true. Then on the build tab I set Register for COM Interop for true also. I checked the AssemblyInfo.cs file and it do...

How do I call a service from within my Assembly?

I have a C# library. From within it, I want to call a static method that exists within the same library but through Javascript. Can I use WebResource to call a C# method? ...

How to add ServiceReference to an embedded file?

I have a class library. In one of the classes, I am adding a script reference on the page like this: protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e) { base.OnPreRender(e); if (this.Page != null) { ScriptManager sm = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(this.Page); ServiceReference reference =...

What's "Disassembly" page when i trace my ASP.NET WebApp ?

Hi I have a ClassLibrary in my ASP.NET Web Application solution , Recently when i do some changes in that ClassLibrary and rebuilt that , That doesn't affect the solution . While debuging and tracing instead of going into method of that ClassLibrary , i face "Disassembly" page . I delete Temporary ASP.NET File's folder and Removed ...