
Problems raising a ValidationError on a Django Form

I'm trying to validate that a submitted URL doesn't already exist in the database. The relevant parts of the Form class look like this: from django.contrib.sites.models import Site class SignUpForm(forms.Form): # ... Other fields ... url = forms.URLField(label='URL for new site, eg:') def clean_url(self): ...

mysql row priority

I have a database table full of some really ugly and messy data. In a seperate table i have a cleaner version of the data and they are linked by an id, but I need to keep the messy dataset and can't overwrite it as I use it to check against data differences. I'm trying to merge the data into a new table, OR use a single query across bo...

Django Forms - How to access data when form.is_valid() is false

When I have a valid Django form, I can access the data with form.cleaned_data. But how do I get at the data a user entered when the form is not valid i.e., form.is_valid is false. I'm trying to access forms within a form set, so seems to just give me a mess. ...

cleaned_data() doesn't have some of the entered data

I have a simple form for a user to enter in Name (CharField), Age(IntegerField), and Sex(ChoiceField). However the data that is taken from the Sex choice field is not showing up in my cleaned_data(). Using a debugger, I can clearly see that the data is being received in the correct format but as soon as I do form.cleaned_data() all sign ...