
Removing Spring.Cache

Hi, I am trying to clear the cache for my integration testing. I could find "InvalidateCache" attribute in Spring documentation, but i do not want to touch the real function and change the attribute. I think I can't use .Net's HttpContext.Cache.Remove since my integration test application is not web application. Anyone knows how to do...

Clearing all RichTextBoxes from a form (VB.NET)

I have a form with 25 RichTextBoxes. I need to clear them all when a user presses a button. I think it's something to do with: Me.Controls.Clear but I'm not sure. Thanks for any help. :) ...

Problem with clear in IE

Hi, I want to list name/value pair and i am using dl list for this It should display like this name1 value1 name2 value2 <dl> <dt>Name1</dt> <dd>Value1</dd> <dt>Name1</dt> <dd>Value1</dd> </dl> dl dt,dl dd{ display:block; float:left; margin:.5em 1.5em 0 0; } dl dt{ width:9em; clear:left; } In I...

DropDownList in C#, getting DropDownList items overflow after every time using selecting an item

Hello all, well the problem is that i am trying to get DDL to: 1. Recive catagories from a DB tabel - working 2. OnChange select from a different table the products by the item in the DDL - working had a problem with No1 but fixed that problem. i found out that to get No1 working i have to use postback. did that and every thing in that p...

The modern way to clear floated content?

What's the modern way to clear floated content these days? There's the "recent" modern way of adding a ".clearfix" on the parent element to clear the contained floats and that would work great. In fact, this is my favorite method and still use this on any site I touch. It makes every browser render correctly. However, I know it's sort ...

How to empty the cells of a DataGridView in C#?

I've found questions similar on SO already, all over the net actually. Though I haven't found a working answer yet. So I'm working in a windows form application using Visual studio 2008. Language is C# I have a DataGridView that is not bound to a DataSource. so: MyDataGridView.DataSource = null; wont work... I've also tried MyDat...

Resetting/clearing form data, focusing radio button

Hello folks. I am new to all of this so please be gentle! Ok, currently I have the following scenario. I have three methods of searching for product details: A cascading drop down list (ddlbuyer, ddlSub, ddlProd) and an associated radiobutton (radProd) An autocomplete textbox that searches for product information (txtPrdAC) A produc...

How to clear BufferedReader in java

To read data from my serial port I am using a inputStream and using BufferedReader for the inputStream. After each read I want clear the BufferedReader. Under the class BufferedReader there is no clear method. I tried to use reset() but it dint work. Any geeks here to suggest anything on this problem? ...

Html - div blocks and clear:both

Hello, I can't understand one thing. I have a big block, here is it's css: #content_part1 { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 1024px; min-height: 544px; background-image: url(../images/top.gif); border: 1px solid green; } And another block in it: #content { width: 942px; margin-left: 41px; position: absolute;...

Cakephp comment form input keeps the same value after i press add

Hello, I've created a blog site from "Beginning CakePHP from novice to professiona"-David Golding. I have the comment view listed below: <div class="comments form"> <?php echo $form->create('Comment');?> <fieldset> <legend><?php __('Add Comment');?></legend> <?php echo $form->input('name'); echo $form->input('cont...

JQuery Clear Form on close

I have the below JQuery Dialog script, I'm trying to find out how to fire off a function that clears the form when I close the dialog. function clearForm() { $(':input','#calcQuery') .not(':button, :submit, :reset, :hidden') .val(''); }; // form popup $(document).ready(function() { //var dataString = $("#calcQuery").serialize(); ...

jQuery MultiFile - how to clear / reset ?

Hi all, I'm using the jQuery multi-file upload plugin found here: I don't see in any of the examples though a way to "reset" the file-picker, clearing out any currently selected items. Any one know how to do this? Thanks! ...

Does calling Clear disposes the items also?

Many times there is a clear method, that removes all the items from the collections, are these items disposed also. Like, toolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Clear(); is sufficient, or should I have to call like that: foreach (ToolStripItem item in toolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems) { toolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Remove(item); ite...

Clear controls does not dispose them - what is the risk?

Hello There are multiple threads(a, b, c etc.) about the fact that Clear() ing items in the .NET component containers does not Dispose them(by calling Dispose(true). Most frequently, IMHO, the Clear-ed components are not used anymore in the application, so it needs explicitly be Disposed after Clearing them from the parent containers. ...

Clear float in IE 8

I am trying to build a page in .NET MVC (not that this matters) where a div is divided into left and right containers using a float. When I try to clear the float using anything other than a <b> tag (such as <div> or <br>), IE8 will not render the page correctly (it's as if it ignores the style in the tag). If I use the <b> tag, Chrome a...

How to clear the Html controls in the form after a particular record has been inserted into database

hello all, I want to clear the controls which are there on the form after a particular record has been inserted into database. I have used the controls of htmlhelper class. Please tell me what shall I do? Thanks Ritz ...

iPhone clear CGContext

I create a circle with a nice shadow with this code (I use for iPhone, Objective-C answers are fine of course) UIGraphics.PushContext (ctx); SizeF shadowSize = new SizeF (0f, -3f); ctx.SetRGBFillColor (194f / 255f, 212f / 255f, 238f / 255f, 1f); ctx.SetAllowsAntialiasing (true); ctx....

Redmine Plugins - Detecting enabling and disabling of modules

I'm working with an external framework (redmine) which has one Project model that has_many EnabledModules. Projects can have EnabledModules "attached" or "removed" via the module names, like this: class Project < ActiveRecord::Base ... has_many :enabled_modules, :dependent => :delete_all ... def enabled_module_names=(module_nam...

Wpf Richtextbox clear error

Dear Friends, When I run this code, I get the following error .. system.Executionengineexception. Can anyone guide me as to what I might be doing wrong? Thanks Dim lMainParagraph As Paragraph Dim lDelimiter As String = String.Empty Try For x As Integer = 0 To 1 lMainParagraph = New Paragraph ...

Clearing a Rails Session during Development

How do I clear the rails session so I can start with a fresh slate? I know I could just nullify each of the session variables with session[:my_var] = nil, but is there a rake task or something that knows how to restore the session data to its most basic form? I'm using Spree and it stores a few properties in the session that I would li...