
Scope of an object, objective-c, CLLocationManager

I'm still pretty new to programming so I have somewhat of a noob question. When you have an instance variable, in my case of type CLLocationManager, in my appDelegate.m file, I thought I could allocate and initialize my CLLocationManager instance variable in the applicationDidFinishLaunching method. And then I could use a button to sta...

Where to put common code for iPhone, CLLocationManager

If I have a tab bar app, and plan on using Core Location in different tabs, is there a good common place to put the code used to alloc/init the CLLocationManager, and get the updates once startUpdatingLocation is called? Or if it's going to be used in two different tabs, do I then just put it in the code for each tab? Just wondering wh...

locationServicesEnabled always return YES

I tested my device (iPod Touch 2G iOS 4.1) if location services are enabled permitted = [locationManager locationServicesEnabled]; and I always get a YES whether location services are enabled or not. I'm talking about the general button for location services and not the app specific button. On iPad with iOS 3.2.2 everything is working...

CLLocation to work in sleep/screen lock mode (iOs < 4.0)

I need to get the user's location even if the phone goes to sleep/screen lock mode. I've tried enabling location services in background mode by adding key to the info.plist file, but this method requires iOS >= 4.0. Is there any alternate method to get the location manager working in screen lock mode ...

iPhone horizontal accuracy not getting above 100.00

I'm using CLLocationManager to get a location, and I need I within about 40-50 meters. I have desiredAccuracy set to nearest ten meters (also tried with best). It always comes up as 100.00. No higher, no lower. Don't have cell service on the phone, just going off GPS and WiFi. iPhone 3G. Also tried with Apple's LocateMe sample proj...