
Idiomatic way to write .NET interop function

I'm looking for a more idiomatic way, if possible, to write the following clojure code: (import '(System.Net HttpWebRequest NetworkCredential) '(System.IO StreamReader)) (defn downloadWebPage "Downloads the webpage at the given url and returns its contents." [^String url ^String user ^String password] (def req (HttpWebRe...

Clojure: Getting single value and map in structmap

I have a sequence of values that I get from somewhere else, in a known order. I also have one separate value. Both of these I want to put into a struct. I.e. (defstruct location :name :id :type :visited) Now I have a list (list "Name" "Id" "Type") that is the result of a regexp. Then I want to put a boolean in :visited; yielding a...

Clojure: finding out if a collection is seq-able

So there's list?, seq?, vector?, map? and so on to determine what type of collection the argument is. What's a good way of telling the difference between a map (i.e. something that has key-value pairs) a collection (i.e. things that contains values) a non collection value like a string. Is there a better way than #(or (seq? %)...