
Is there in-memory SQL database supporting replication/clustering?

Free and stable is the winner. My plan is quite trivial - just put all the data in memory and use the cluster without changing the application code. Then, for persistence, I could just dump the data from nodes in a regular disk-access database. The only thing is, that since I demand in-memory storage, there is no possibility of full da...

RabbitMQ Queue Persistance in a Cluster

I have a question that I cant seem to find an answer on. This is my first time using RabbitMQ in a "big" application and am wondering how the queues work in a cluster. I understand that the routing information (queues, exchanges, bindings) is on all nodes in the cluster, but the queue its self resides on the machine that it was created o...

Using a smoother with the L Method to determine the number of K-Means clusters

Has anyone tried to apply a smoother to the evaluation metric before applying the L-method to determine the number of k-means clusters in a dataset? If so, did it improve the results? Or allow a lower number of k-means trials and hence much greater increase in speed? Which smoothing algorithm/method did you use? The "L-Method" is deta...