
Lightweight open-source shared file system over network

We have two web servers with load balancing. We need to share some files between those servers. These would be uploaded files, session files, various files that php applications create. We don't want to use a heavyweight, no longer maintained or a commercial solution. We're looking for some lightweight open-source software that would wo...

Can anyone tell me what the authors mean on this line?

i was going through this link: FAT16 Basics to Assemble Clusters. I have read the structures involved in defining a directory entry in FAT. Now when giving the example for a FAT16 File, it says the data cluster is 0x03 for the example file MyFile.txt. Which means if we logically compute the Data Cluster we will be able to reach to the fi...

Create a database for scalability

How do i create a database for scalability? I am in the middle of which i cant read ATM and need to leave. But i would like to know more about creating a database that scales well. Somethings that it mentioned and occur in my mind are Separate handles for reads ...

automate: finding non-used servers from a list of servers

i have access to a few linux clusters at school. sometimes they are busy and sometimes they are not. i usually log into each machine manually, use the "top" command to see if the server is busy (to see if both cores are used). from there, i execute my program to use some servers that are free to run my computations. what i'd like to ...

python: how to merge a list into clusters?

I have a list of tuples: [(3,4), (18,27), (4,14)] and need a code merging tuples which has repeated numbers, making another list where all list elements will only contain unique numbers. The list should be sorted by the length of the tuples, i.e.: >>> MergeThat([(3,4), (18,27), (4,14)]) [(3,4,14), (18,27)] >>> MergeThat([(1,3), (15,...