
Compiling 32-bit vs 64-bit project using CMake

How do I specify that CMake should use a different link_directories value depending on whether the target is 32-bit is 64-bit? For example, 32-bit binaries need to link with 32-bit Boost, 32-bit binaries need to link with 64-bit Boost. ...

kdevelop4 and C++ requires cmake

I want to use kdevelop4 for c++ programming but when I try to run the application kdevelop4 wants cmake binary file! How can I solve this problem? ...

OpenCV 2.1 with Qt Creator on Windows

I have OpenCV 2.1 and Qt (Creator) installed on Windows. Using the OpenCV C API I can link, build and run apps in Qt using OpenCV. However, the when using the OpenCV C++ API, I am getting linking problems. This is probably due to C++ ABI problems, since I'm using the pre-built binaries (built with MSVC-2008) for Windows and Qt Creator us...

Check gcc minor in cmake

Is it possible to check the minor version number of GCC in cmake? I want to do something like this: If (GCC_MAJOR >= 4 && GCC_MINOR >= 3) ...

which suits linux ? GNU make vs cmake vs codeblocks vs qmake

In front of me some different Technologies and I'm confused between them. GNU make, CMAKE, Qmake, Code::blocks methodology Code::Blocks uses a custom build system, which stores its information in XML-based project files, but can optionally use external makefiles **says WIKI** 1- What's the difference between CMAKE and GNU MAKE ? 2- I...

How to run CMake unit tests with MSBuild.exe

Upon generating a Vistual Studio project from a CMake build file, CMake generates a solution with a sub-project called RUN_TESTS.vcproj that runs all unit tests as a post build action. How can you invoke the RUN_TESTS from the command prompt using msbuild.exe? Running msbuild RUN_TESTS.vcproj from the build directory does not work. Un...