
(For what) Are Fortran, Cobol and Co. used today?

I'm a relatively young programmer and so I don't really know much about languages like Fortran or Cobol that have their origins in the beginning of modern informatics. I'm a bit confused because it seems like there are many people out there saying that these two languages are still very alive and being used all over the world whereas ot...

Allocation of memory with LE routines

At /questions/2000777/allocation-of-memory-in-variable-length-tables NealB mentioned LE routines to allocate/deallocate memory in a non-CICS COBOL program. I'd very much like to know how this is done: how the LE routine is called. (I'm familiar with the LINKAGE SECTION and with SET ADDRESS.) Since I have no access to an IBM mainframe a...

Adding a field to an existing COBOL data file

I have an existing MF COBOL 4.0 program with years of data in a ISAM file but I need to add a new field to the existing file. The record currently has 1208 chars and I need to add another 10 to it. If I simply put the extra PIC X(10) field in my copybook, it gives me an error. ...

Explanation about TSO ISPF commands and their use in MAINFRAMES!

Please give me some links or materials covering the explanation of TSO ISPF commands in mainframes and their use. ...

Entry lvl. COBOL Control Breaks

I'm working in COBOL with a double control break to print a hospital record. The input is one record per line, with, hospital info first, then patient info. There are multiple records per hospital, and multiple services per patient. The idea is, using a double control break, to print one hospital name, then all the patients from that ho...

Manipulate COBOL data structure

Hello. I would like informations to manipulate tables. I encounter few problem with a piece of cobol code like below: 01 TABLE-1. 05 STRUCT-1 OCCURS 25 TIMES. 10 VALUE-1 PIC AAA. 10 VALUE-2 PIC 9(5)V999. 05 NUMBER-OF-OCCURS PIC 99. How do you update values? (update a VALUE-2 when you know a VALUE-1) How...

How does COBOL store and retrieve data?

I'm starting to learn about COBOL. I have some experience writing programs that deal with SQL databases and I guess I'm confused how COBOL stores and retrieves data that is stored in a mainframe for example. I know that it's not like relational databases but every example program I've seen takes data straight from the command line and I ...

Eclipse Code Templates with Cobol

People, My team is just beginning to learn how to use COBOL on Eclipse (as part of the Rational Developer for System Z package) and one of our most desired features are code templates or code snippets. What we'd like to have is a code completion based on snippets just like we have on Java. For example, when I type try and hit ctrl-spa...

How to read a PS file in reverse order?

I have a PS file to be read in reverse order and process accordingly. Do we have a way to mention to read the file in reverse order in FD in COBOL module? OR do we have something to achieve the same using SORT? Note: Reading the records into a buffer (array) and using it in reverse order would be the first idea that comes to mind but th...

How to convert a alphanumeric string into numeric decimal in COBOL

For eg., i have alphanumeric string 'ABCDEF 0 0.450' and i need to get '0.450' as numeric decimal and do arithmetic on it. Do we have a way? Please suggest. ...

Cobol web development/hosting resources

Hello, I'm employed at a fairly big company here in Germany and got the job to create the main website for it which will feature: Static contents; Information and Presentations An employee area (around 6000 employees) featuring various things from calendars, job descriptions, some sort of groups Too many other dynamic things I can't l...

What makes COBOL such a hated language?

What makes COBOL such a hated language? I'm rather young and so I haven't experienced the times when COBOL was still in use and even going mainstream, maybe you can help me out. Everywhere I go and surf I: Am getting told about how horrible COBOL is See sites making fun of COBOL Hear that I should be happy that I don't have to use CO...

Is there a free (as in beer) Flow chart generator for COBOL Code?

Hi I've never read COBOL in my life and have been tasked with rewriting the old COBOL code in a new language. Are there any free or free-to-try software packages out there that will generate a flow chart for a COBOL program? I've looked at "Visustin" and "Code Visual to Flowchart" Visustin blanks out part of the code and does random r...

Is there an existing gem or script that converts numbers to comp-3/packed decimal format?

Hi There, Continuing with my adventure to convert COBOL to a Ruby program, I have to convert a decimal digit to a comp-3/packed decimal format. Anyone know of a simple Ruby script or gem that does this? Berns ...

Sockets and COBOL

I have received a job at a hospital which still uses COBOL for all organizational work, the whole (now 20 Terabyte) database (Which was a homebrew in, guess what, COBOL) is filled with the data of every patient since the last 45 (or so) years. So that was my story. Now to my question: Currently, all sockets were (from what I've seen) i...

The unmentioned parts of COBOL's history

I'm very curious about old programming languages, especially COBOL, and as Wikipedia couldn't really tell me much about this topic, I decided to ask it here: Was COBOL the first programming language really being used in financial, stock and banking systems? Where exactly was COBOL used? Was it used more frequently than Fortran or BASIC...

Choosing between assembler and COBOL

I have to rewrite and greatly modify parts of a legacy COBOL application. The COBOL source-code is available (around 100.000 lines of copy & pasted code mixed with GOTOs). Some more details on the system: It is a general management system controlling transactions, bank management, customer data and employees of the company I work for. T...

Visual Studio 2010: COBOL in VS 2010, missing?

Is it true that Visual Studio 2010 has now COBOL compiler inside? I saw this in one article. I also saw a video of it. The question is, where can I find it? I've been searching VS2010 and still, no clues. Thanks for answering. ...

Call C (exposed) function from COBOL program

Hi, Some time ago, I had created a DLL to be used in another C program. Basically I exposed specific functions by using the following within my dll: void __declspec(dllexport) MyFunc(myFirstArg, mySecondArg); Then I added an external file (MyExposedDll.h) with all exposed functions and structures to the new C program and included it:...

Cobol: science and fiction

There are a few threads about the relevance of the Cobol programming language on this forum, e.g. this thread links to a collection of them. What I am interested in here is a frequently repeated claim based on a study by Gartner from 1997: that there were around 200 billion lines of code in active use at that time! I would like to ask s...