I have 4-5 uibuttons(also can use uiview instead of button) side by side next to each other.
When user moves touch from one button to other(outside of self view), i want to cancel this touch and start touch for the next button(view).
How to achieve this functionality?
I used uiview instead of buttons kept it next to each other, h...
This is for an iPhone App, but I don't think that really matters. I need to send a custom object (which is managed by Core Data) over bluetooth using the iPhone's GameKit. Normally, I would just use an NSKeyedArchiver to package up the object as a data object and ship it over the line, then unarchive the object and I'm done. Of course, I...
Debugger is telling me this, when I run my app on device:
Program received signal: “EXC_BAD_ACCESS”.
mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack.
mi_cmd_stack_list_frames: Not enough frames in stack.
I don't get information about where in code that happens. That's all I get. Any idea what that could mean?
The app crashes af...
The compiler complains about this, after I activated all kind of warnings:
#ifdef __OBJC__
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
warning: #import is a GCC extension
What does that mean?
The compiler complains about this, after I activated all kind of warnings:
For MyApp_Prefix.pch the compiler says:
warning: -Wuninitialized is not
supported without -O
What does that mean?
The compiler complains about this, after I activated all kind of warnings:
I create an NSNumber like this:
NSNumber *num = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES];
warning: passing argument 1 of 'numberWithBool:' with different width due to prototype
it complains about the value I provided. What's wrong with "YES"?
What does that mean?
The compiler complains about this, after I activated all kind of warnings:
I have an app delegate like this:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@class MyViewController;
@interface TestAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {
UIWindow *window;
MyViewController *myViewController;
@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow ...
here is a iPhone programming beginner's question:
How do I get to another view by pressing a button in my main view?
I have the following function which is executed when I press a button, and debugging it, he passes there, but my "Warning" view does not show up:
-(IBAction) showWarningView:(id)sender
if(self.showWarning ...
I have a class with only class methods (utility stuff), so my interface is like:
@interface MyUtils : NSObject {
Xcode doesn't like it and says:
warning: struct has no named members
So I have to create a nonsense instance variable? My code works fine, though... I just activated every kind of warning for the compiler.
I've got a UITabController. One of the tabs is a UINavigationController. Pushing and popping the navigation stack works just fine. Every UIViewController has his own NIB with just the UIView hooked up. But unfortunately I only get a title displayed for the root navigation controller!
Usually when creating a UIViewController in a NIB you...
I am using NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithFile: to read in application data. When running with Leaks in Instruments, I am told that the following produces a leak:
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
I have a UITextView where users can type text. I want to parse HTML Links (Domains with or without http://) and Phone Numbers from the users after they click on the button.
I know I can set the editable property of UITextView to NO to automatically parse links but I don't have the option to make it editable=NO and I want to parse the Li...
Xcode / objective c does not really print a useful stack trace. My app crashes somewhere, and the damn thing gives me only numbers like 45353453, 34524323, 6745345353, 457634524234. Not useful at all.
So I want to make a NSLog(); on the beginning of EVERY method I have in my entire app. But maybe there's a simpler way to just find out t...
Example: I have a method -myFooBarMethod:withFoo:bar:moreFoo: and inside the implementation of that method I want to dynamically get the name of it, like @"-myFooBarMethod:withFoo:bar:moreFoo: into an NSString. No hard-typing of the method signature.
I feel that this has to do something with selectors. How could I get the name of the c...
I need the name of the class that owns a method, as NSString. Example: There's a -fooBar method inside a SomeClass, and that -fooBar method runs some code. This code must print out what class "owns" it, I mean: What class that method belongs to. So I can't hard-type the class name in a NSString because I need that for debugging purposes,...
I want to make a macro which will inject some code, like:
if (foo) {
[Bar fooBar];
and then, where ever I need that, I put FOOBAR in the code. Not sure, but at compile time then the compiler replaces this with the actual code like in the example above. Maybe there's something different than a macro I could use for this?
Hey guys,
I've seen apps on the iPhone that if running on 3.0 will use 3.0 features/APIs such as the in-app email composer, and if running on 2.x not using those features, and exiting the app to launch Mail instead.
How is this done?
My initial thoughts were to use
#ifdef __IPHONE_3_0
but that will only work if I actually build the...
I wonder if it's a good habit to use NSAssert all over the place? What would be the benefit of doing that? In which situations is it a good idea to use it?
When I use
it prints out a lot of stuff I don't want:
2009-09-03 13:46:34.531 MyApp[3703:20b] fooBar
Is there a way to print something to the console without this big prefix?
I want to draw a table and some other things in the console so that space is crucial...
I have a coordinate from Core Location and want to calculate the co-ordinate given a bearing and a distance, say in km.
I think this is the formula from here.
lat2 =
asin(sin(lat1)cos(d/R) +
lon2 =
lon1 +